Chill Day

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Luke: On a chill day you and Luke would spend most of the day cuddling, catching up on your favourite TV series on Netflix and then end up ordering a Nando's takeaway. ((cheeky nando's ayyy))

Michael: You and Mikey will play video games on the X-Box whilst you sit on his lap; getting to cuddle at the same time. It would consist of lots of neck kisses then ordering a pizza which would end up going cold because you'd end up making out.

Ashton: You'd have a lazy day laying in bed, watching TV and eating popcorn and other junk food. You would decide to go for a shower, but you'd soon see a devious smirk appear from behind the shower curtain as Ashton joins you.

Calum: You and Cal would dress in your sweats, not caring about looking presentable. You'd lie on top of him on the couch, mainly kissing, cuddling and falling asleep throughout the day. He would always try to sneak his hand on your bottom as you were cuddling.

Can we cherish the snapchat I got sent of my favourite homie as a fish (she'll hate me)

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