Brad Imagine

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Brad imagine for @thevampslaura :)

You and Brad were getting ready for a party. As you were applying your makeup in the bathroom, Brad was choosing an outfit to wear in the bedroom. He couldn't decide so when you came out the bathroom you helped him pick one. He looked perfect. "That really suits you Brad" you said fluttering your eyelashes. "Thanks love" he replied back giving you a kiss on your cheek. "What are you you wearing Laura?" He asked. "I'm not sure, I'll look in my wardrobe now." "Well, ya gotta give a lady some privacy. I'll leave while you get changed" he said smiling. You smirked back and looked through your closet. "Hmmm, what to wear... Tie-dye jeans a floral top? No." You said to yourself. You finally came to the decision of wearing a cute peach coloured skater dress, white leather Converse and you put your long hair in a Tinker bell bun. Once you had finished getting ready, you called Brad. He shot back up the stairs and entered the bedroom. He just stood there, staring at you for a moment. "W-wow" was all he could stutter out. "You look beautiful princess, that colour really suits you." You were so happy to have a boyfriend like Brad, he was the perfect man you needed in your life. "Thank you babe" you said blushing. "Soo shall we go?" Brad asked. You replied "Yup" and he took you by the hand and led you to the car. He opened the passenger door for you and gave you a sweet smile.

Hope you liked it! Thanks everyone for all your lovely comments you've been giving me, they make me so happy eeeeek! :)

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