A Connor Ball imagine

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This imagine is for my bæ @-BandsForever 💜

The school day had almost finished, you were looking forward to the end of the day because there was gonna be a football match at your school. You wanted to support your schools team so you decided to stay and watch it. The bell rang and you sighed with relief. As you walked out English class you met up with your friend Bethany, "Oh hey Beth!" You exclaimed friendly nudging her. "Hi Livi! Are you staying for the match? James is playing you know, I can't wait to see my baby beat Gillbrooke's asses!" A guy called James McVey was Beth's boyfriend, you'd never met him but he seemed pretty cool from what she'd told you. "Um yeah! Can I come with you?" You asked with a smile. "Of course, let's go!" She exclaimed excitedly linking her arm with yours. As you arrived to the astro turf pitch, you and Beth took a seat ready to watch the game. After 10 minutes, your schools team ran onto the pitch, cheering was heard all around the field. "OH MY GOSH, LOOK IT'S MY JAMESY! WOOP! GO ON HONEY BOO BOO!" Bethany screamed getting dirty looks from other people. "Jeeze, can you try to stop being so embarrassing." You mumbled humiliated. Gillbrooke's team came on and there was a mixture of cheering and booing within the crowd. You noticed James talking to another guy, he was kinda short, with blonde/brown hair and a nose piercing. Wow, you thought. "Oh, you see that guy? His name is Connor. He's James's best friend hehe!" Beth giggled. "Yeah, damn. He's hot." You accidentally said, not intentionally meaning for Beth to hear. "Oh my Livi! What did you just sayyy?" Beth smirked laughing. You blushed bright red. The game started and your schools team was winning, you just couldn't take your eyes off this Connor guy. The ball came to the side of the pitch where you were sitting, Connor ran over to retrieve it. Your heart started to beat faster. As Connor reached the ball (HAHAHA I'M LAUGHING SO HARD BECAUSE IT'S TALKING ABOUT CONNOR AND A BALL, GET IT, CONNOR BALL HAHA EH EH... OK SORRY...) he made eye contact with you and gave you a cheeky smile. "Oh frick." You whispered almost collapsing onto Beth. "Me thinks we're gonna have to get you and Con fixed up gurlll." Bethany chuckled. Connor kept glancing at you, well at least you thought. Even your friend noticed. The game continued until it came to a finish, 9 - 5. Your school won. The crowd roared just like a real football match, all the guys which you class as 'dicks' started off a Mexican wave. James blew Beth a kiss from the pitch, and slung has arm around Connor's shoulder. He gave you one final check out before leaving the field. "I'm gonna meet James by the front school gates, if you wanna come?" Beth questioned. "Sure!" you nervously replied worrying if Con would be there. You both ran to the gates, you only ran because Beth did, she was obviously excited to see her 'honey boo boo', eugh. We waited and waited until we saw a mob of sweaty guys exiting the school. "Hey babe." James smirked pulling Beth into a hug. "Hey!" She replied kissing him passionately. "Aw mate, get a room." Connor yelled whilst giggling. HE WAS SO CUTE. "Hey, may I ask, what's your name?" He asked turning to you. "Me? Um my name is, um. Ahem, I am called Livi, you're Connor right?" You say feeling extremely anxious. "What a lovely name, nice to meet you, Livi. And yeah, I'm Connor, but you can call me Con." He stated whilst placing his hand on your shoulder. Once James and Beth had finished making out they decided to rejoin you. "Me and Con have to go now, I'll see you later Beth. Oh, and lovely to meet you Livi!" James cheered. You replied with a friendly grin until you felt a little kiss on your cheek. "Call me." Connor winked slightly grabbing your ass and walking off. Standing there, shocked and love struck you found a piece of paper in your back pocket reading:

Call me, (number) - Con x

I HOPE YOU LIKED IT LIVIIII! Just so you know, requests are back opennnnnn! 😊 And someone please please request a Mikey, Calum, Tristan or James imagine because I haven't written many of them, I mainly get Brad, Con, Luke & Ash requests 😏 TYSM FOR READING 💖

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