A Bradley Simpson imagine (dirty)

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Imagine for - @jaquibradleysimpson 💙

You had just become famous as you released your first single. At eighteen years old, you were still only young so you had a bright future ahead of you. You started a YouTube channel singing covers of songs and writing your own until a manager noticed you and asked you to sign a singing contract. Since then, many people had started to become fans. The Vamps started their first ever tour, so obviously they needed to find a support act. Because your career had just begun, your manager Joe O'Neill which also happened to be The Vamps', asked you to be their support act on tour. Excitedly, you took the oppertunity. You'd never really met the boys, but your favourite had always been Brad. The first place you were performing at was Sheffield City Hall and you felt extremely nervous. Not only because you'd be performing in front of over 100 people, because you were meeting your biggest celebrity crush BRADLEY WILL SIMPSON. It was the day before the first tour date, so you were meeting up with The Vamps to practice. The stadium felt empty. The makeup artists, choreographers etc were lounging on the chairs watching. Hearing someone say your name, you turned around to see Joe leading the boys towards you. "Hey Jaqui!" He exclaimed hugging you. "Hi Joe! I am so nervous." You mumbled anxiously. "You will be fine. Anyway, meet Brad, Con, James and Tris." Joe said pointing at the boys. "Hey guys." You smiled feeling worried. "Hey Jaqui, it's a lovely name that, I like it." Brad smirked which made you blush. "So people, we are going start rehearsing your performances, so Jaqui, you're up first!" Joe shouted. "Oh god." You muttered quietly. "Don't worry, you'll do great babes." Brad said giving you a cheeky wink. "Lay off you flirt!" James laughed. You started to sing a cover of the Arctic Monkeys. The people who controlled the special effects let off smoke to surround you to make the stage presence more dramatic. And they also created a breeze which made your floral print dress blow up. *Wolf whistles everywhere.* You looked to see Brad clapping his hands and all of the other boys sniggering. "For goodness sake guys, don't be so immature!" You scream through the microphone feeling humiliated. Running off the stage you hide your face completely pissed that your dress blew up revealing your red lacey pants. You sit down to suddenly feel two hands grip firmly onto your shoulders. "I like it when girls play feisty." You heard a raspy voice say. You turned around to see it was Brad looking down slightly hovering over you. "Go away, I want to be alone." You demanded pushing Brad off. "I also like it when girls play hard to get." He seductively said. "Ew stop! Flattery is gonna get you no where." You say with a little smirk. You knew Brad wanted you, but you were gonna be a challenge for him. "Oh really?" He questioned pulling you around and smashing his lips onto yours. Stopping kissing Brad was the last thing on your mind. It turned into a steamy make out session. Suddenly Brad stopped and went towards the door and locked it. He returned towards you biting his lower lip. "See that couch? Get on it." He harshly said making you feel aroused at the fact he liked to be in control. You lied on the couch and Brad hovered over you stripping as quickly as he could. You did the same with a little help from Brad of course. "Damn, you're beautiful." Brad whispered sending shivers down your spine. "I don't have a condom, I'll pull out before it happens okay?" Brad said reassuringly. "Okay." You said putting on a smile with a nod. Brad started to kiss your neck then trailed down to your chest which made you arch your back with pleasure. You suddenly felt his huge dick (DO U CALL THEM DICKS OR PENIS'S IDEK) thrust into you making you scream his name. "Rough or gentle?" Brad smirked slowly pulling his length out of you. "Brad. Don't stop." You said heavily breathing. "Brad! What are you doing?!" You yelled wanting more. "Scream my name, I don't care if they can here us, just do it." Brad said kissing your sweet spot leaving a love bite. He continued to thrust into you going faster and faster. "Brad!" You shouted doing what you were told to do. You could hear Brad moaning like crazy. It made you moan too just hearing his husky growls. "Shit I think I'm gonna-" Brad quickly pulled out and sprayed it all over your face. 😂 (I AM LAUGHING SO HARD RIGHT NOW I AM SORRY JAQUI 😂) "Brad!" You screeched in disgust. "I bet you wanna lick it." He said laughing in hysterics whilst pulling up his trousers. "I'm sorry princess." He said giving you a cute 'please forgive me' smile. "I'll lick it off for you instead!" Brad giggled leaping back on top of you. "Argh no! Just get me a tissue." You said laughing. You put your bra and panties back on whilst Brad was admiring how amazing you looked to him. You could see Brad licking his lips. "You like what you see huh?" You grinned. "Hell yeah!" He replied which made you chuckle. You slipped on your dress and tidied your hair back up. "The guys will be wondering what we've been up to." You said nervously. "At least they know that your all mine with that screaming." He said pinching your ass. He unlocked the door and you two came out from backstage back to where all of the others were. "GO ON LAD!" You heard Tristan shout. "DID YA GET LUCKY SON?!" Connor exclaimed. Brad laughed along with the boys whilst you just stood there feeling kinda embarrassed. "Fuck you Bradley, fuck you." You said with a slight smile.

I am so sorry but writing dirty imagines isn't my thing bc they make me cringe and go all asdfghjkl so sorry if you hate it 😂

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