A Bradley Simpson Imagine

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For ~ @GeorgeTheCat 😽

A/N: I had posted this before but my phone went all crazy and deleted the ending. So I have reposted it with the ending on this time lol. Sorry about that guys! 🙋

You were at a huge party which consisted of three boybands; The Vamps, 5SOS and One Direction. Also, there were a few other famous people there. It was Brad's birthday party as he turned nineteen (did y'all know it was his actual birthday today? Happy birthday Brad!) You were a YouTuber so were very close to Brad and the boys. Walking to the bar, you sat down and looked at the cocktail menu. "Hmm, what to get." You mumbled looking through the choices. They all looked very fancy to what you were used to. "Excuse me!" You raised your voice waving a hand to the bar man. "What can I get ya pretty lady?" A familiar Irish voice questioned. "Niall!" You exclaimed giving him an awkward hug over the bar table. "What you doing at the bar?" You asked him giggling. "Oh I'm just here temporarily helping out for the party 'cause you know it's private an' all, well Brad went over the budget so he couldn't afford a pro bar man so that's when I stepped in!" He said happily with a huge grin. Laughing at his response you said, "I'll just have a mojito please." You said sitting down at a bar stool. "Coming right up!" He cheered adding a mint leaf into a cocktail shaker. "So where's Brad?" You asked. "He was just dancing on the dance floor like a real idiot. I tink he's had one too many!" Niall giggled almost in hysterics. You laughed along. "Here ya go miss!" Niall said handing you your drink. "Thanks." You smiled having a sip. "Ur, I tink that'll be £1... I don't know really, we just kinda made up prices last minute." Niall said. "Woah, wait. You have to pay?!" You yelled getting a few looks off people. "Yeah." Niall muttered. "Well I'll be the one to pay for that!" An Aussie voice cheered. You turned around to see Calum. "Hey, your name is Addisyn right?" Cal said taking a seat really close to you. "Yep, you're Calum? Well obviously duh. I mean who wouldn't know you? Your the one and only Calum Hood... Omg you are amazing I-" You were interrupted by Calum giving you a soft kiss on the cheek. "Nice to meet you, Addisyn." Calum said with a smirk. "I'm so sorry, I kinda mumble and blabber on so I just sound ridiculous." You stuttered shocked that Calum kissed you. "It's okay, I find it kinda cute haha. You are amazing, well, your YouTube videos but you are amazing too." He smirked once again. "Oh stop trying to flatter me you!" You say blushing whilst chortling. "But thank you." "No problem, I don't know why a girl like you hasn't gotten further into the music industry. Once again you blush and give him a sweet smile to show your appreciation. Suddenly, you feel two strong arms wrap around your shoulders. You turn around to see a curly haired handsome young fella giving you a beaming smile. "Hey Brad!" You say excitedly in a high pitched voice. "I didn't see you here babe, you should have come and danced with me." Then he started to sing Baby Can We Dance and he looked like a wasted mess. Laughing; almost wetting yourself you stood up and tightly hugged him. Calum rolled his eyes. "What you lookin' at punkkk?" Brad shouted in a husky voice, breath that smelt of Stella Artois. "Brad, stop. It's embarrassing. He's just being friendly." You say softly. "Eugh." He said pulling you away. You kept seeing Calum glancing at you and staring through the corner of your eye. You liked Cal but not as much as Brad. More songs came on and you two were jamming away like no was there watching. After Fancy by Iggy Azalea finished Amnesia by 5SOS started to play. All four 5SOS boys were up on the floor dancing like retards. Everyone was laughing except Brad as he seemed to dislike Calum. Very much. "How about we go back to mine? I don't like the way Calum keeps giving you the pervy smile." "That's and idea. But Cal is a nice guy really. And Brad,YOU are the one I love." "Really?" Brad asked, his big chocolate brown eyes glaring into yours. "Yes, so I think we should go back to yours. It's really late." You say wrapping your arms around his muscular torso. "Party's over!" Brad yells. Everyone coming to a stand still looking wasted as fuck. "C'mon princess, let's go." Brad kisses you gently on the lips leading you out the door. Not forgetting to give Calum one last evil death glare.

There you goooo! 😘

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