What his favourite feature of you is

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Connor: He loves your eyes. Every time you talk to him he gets lost in them and he thinks they're beautiful. He loves it when you wear heavy eye makeup as he thinks it really enhances the colour.

Brad: He loves your smile. He thinks everything about it is amazing. When you talk he can't help but stare at your sparkling teeth and your soft pink lips.

James: He loves your legs. He thinks they are your best feature as they are always naturally tanned and smooth. He doesn't care about your flaws, they are what makes you perfect to him.

Tristan: He loves your hair. He has a big fetish for it and loves to mess about with it. If ever you are watching a movie, Tris will always end up doing some crazy hair style to it. They aren't necessarily the best hairstyles in the world, but that's why you love him.

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