How he is in bed

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Ok so this one is dirty bc why not, prepare your vadge girls.

Mikey: Michael always is rough yet passionate. He makes sure that you scream his name and if he isn't in control, he will get out the handcuffs.

Ash: Ashton will always make sure that everything is okay, and is really caring when it comes to sex. He will make sure you are ready and places delicate kisses along your jaw line telling you that your all his.

Cal: Calum is a pro in bed. He will take it slow at first then eventually make you have the time of your life. The next day you can't even walk...

Luke: Luke always let's you be in control. He finds it sexy. Occasionally he will be the boss in bed, but normally he lets you take the lead. It's always gentle and loving with Luke, he likes to let you know that your the only girl he will ever love. Apart from queen Liz of course.

P.S. Let's just take a moment to cherish the girl who leaked Calum's dick

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