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Ariana POV: I'm so happy that Sean and I worked everything out I've really missed him. After we got done talking about how the video was going to be I decided to get ready to go home.

Me: Babe I think it's time for me to go I have a show tomorrow.

Sean: Baby girl are you sure you don't want to stay

Me: I wish I could but I have to go but I will come by tomorrow

Sean: Aww well ok I will see you tomorrow than have a safe drive and call me when you get home.

Me: Don't worry I will, I will see you tomorrow love you

Sean: Love You

Sean's POV: It sucks that she had to leave; However what she doesn't know is I've talked to Scooter and I plan on surprising her and performing Best Mistake and Right There with her. As I'm sitting down thinking about baby girl I get a text message thinking it's baby girl I put a huge smile on my face.

Unknown Number: You may have got the girl but you're not going to win the war

Me: Who is this ( asking confused)

Unknown Number: Don't worry about worry who I am just watch your back

Continuation of Sean's POV: I just ignore the text messages and continue to relax and watch TV.


Ariana POV: I wake up and shower to get ready for today show at the Staple Center I'm so excited because all my family and friends are going to be there. I get to the arena and see all my babes and we do the Meet and Greets and do funny poses and laughing. It's now time for me to get ready to perform but before I went to the stage Scooter pulled me to the side.

Scooter: Ari I just wanted to tel you there is going to be a surprise guest performing with you tonight.

Me: Who?

Scooter: You just going to have to wait and see

Me: I hope it's not Justin we know how much drama that caused

Still Ari's POV" After I got done doing Bang Bang it was time to do Best Mistake, as I'm singing it gets to my baby's part as I'm about to rap some of his part I see a body coming out the audience and it was Sean was so excited and couldn't stop blushing. The show went great and I was so excited that Sean came to perform with me but now it's time to get ready for tomorrow because we are filming the video for Research which i'm so excited about.

Sean's POV: After getting those text messages I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out who it is, getting shaking out of my thought;

Ari: babe are you ok you've been really quiet since we left the show.

Me: Yeah I'm fine just thinking

Ari: About what

Me: well right after you left my house yesterday I got a weird text message from an unknown number

Ari: what did it say

I than hand her my phone to see the message, and by the look on her face she was as confused as I was.

Me: Do you know who it could be

Ari: No I don't but I do have an idea on who it could be

Me: Who

Ari: I'm not sure but it might be Ricky

Once she said that I look at her confused why would he be texting me..

Authors Note: As you can see Ricky is the bad guy in this story. I'm leaving this chapter on a cliffhanger comment what you think he is going to do and do you think his plan will succeed.

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