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Ari and Sean were enjoying their vacation. Right now they were sitting in their beautiful beach house cuddled up watching Scream Queens when Sean gets a phone call from his mom so he quickly answers it.

Sean: Hey Mom what's up

Myra: hey son I got some bad news

Sean: Mom what is it

Myra: It's your brother Brett he's been shot

When Sean heard that he jumped up which scared Ari.

Ari: Babe what's going on

Sean put the phone down and told Ari what happened than got back on the phone with his mom.

Sean: Mom how did this you know who did this.

Myra: Sean I don't know who did this but the word on the street is this person was looking for you and Ari

Sean: Me and Ari

When Sean said her name Ari froze thinking who would be looking for both of us.

Myra: Yeah

Sean: Mom thanks for telling me...Ari and I will get the next flight to Detroit so we can figure this out.

Myra:OK son I will see y'all safe love you and tell Ari I love her too.

Sean: Love you too mom and I will.

After that Sean ended the call and turned to look at Ari.

Sean: Babe we have to cut this vacation short and go to Detroit

Ari: No babe I was going to say the same thing I can't believe someone would shoot your brother.

Sean: I know babe me mom said the person was looking for us.

Ari: I'm shocked about that...but the only person I can think of is Ricky

Sean: Really him you think he would shoot my brother

Ari: He's the only one that has a vendetta against the both of us

Sean: Babe you have a good point, I swear if he is behind this he's messed with the wrong man..when it comes to you and my family the nice me goes out of the window.

Ari: Babe what are you going to do

Sean: I don't know yet but he's really started a war.

Once Sean said that Ari started to worry on what Sean might do but she had his back 100% so Ari decided to call Zeno to tell him what's up.

Ari: Hey Zeno I have to tell you something

Zeno: Hey sis what's up

Ari: Well Myra just called Sean and told him Brett's been shot

Zeno: OMG how is Sean holding up

Ari: Not to good because I have a gut feeling Ricky did this because they are saying the guy was looking for me and Sean

Zeno: Oh lord keep him as calm as you can until y'all get to Detroit because I know Sean this won't end pretty if he's not calm.

Ari: I got you and I will...thanks bro I will talk to you later

Zeno: you're welcome sis bye

Once Ari got off the phone she went to go check on Sean who was already packing to leave.

Sean: babe you're ready to go

Ari: yes babe I am, you have my things packed too

Sean: yes I do

Ari: babe I know you're angry but I want you to calm down

Sean: I know babe I'm calm...I won't do anything career is way more important and you and my family.

Ari: Im happy to hear that I love you...and let's go see your brother.

So they left the beach house and headed to the airport. As they are on their way to the airport...they were just talking about how they were going to handle this situation the right way. Because they agree Ricky needs to get punished but in a way that their careers won't be on the line. They have arrived to the airport checked their bags in, and than took their seats. Once they took off they cuddled up together and fell asleep.

Once they arrived in Detroit they rushed to the hospital to go check on Brett...Sean knew he couldn't forgive himself if something happened to his brother. Once they got to Brett's room they saw the injury wasn't fatal and he was just shot in the leg. Once they saw that Brett was OK they both sighed in relief. While they were happy Brett was OK...Myra walked in.

Myra: hey you two I see y'all made it safe

Sean: yes we did I'm glad he's OK what a blessing

Myra: I agree we are totally blessed...have y'all figured out who did this

Ari: Myra I did its my ex dancer I was seeing when me in Sean broke up Ricky he's still upset I fired him and Sean beat him up.(Ari's crying)

Myra: Ari its not your fault don't cry this is a tragic incident but we are going to get through it.

While Ari, Sean,and Myra are sitting in the hospital room they are all just happy and relieved that Brett is OK and they knew Ricky was going to get what he deserves because what Sean and Myra don't know is Ari called her father Edward on the way to the airport and he said he was going to handle it. At this moment Ari felt blessed that she has a great man to protect her and her relationship with her father has gotten a whole lot better.

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