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When Ari woke up she woke up in a complete sweat screaming; which woke Sean up worrying about his wife thinking it was about the shooting so he asked her what was wrong.

Sean: Babe what's wrong 

Ari: I've been having these nightmares again

Sean: What about, I didn't know you've been having nightmares

Ari: Yeah for about a month now...Babe I think it's time for me to tell you something that I've been holding in for years.

Sean: What is it baby

Ari: Well when I was 8 years old after my dad left a close family friend started staying with us (She said starting to cry), and one day when my mom was at work he came in to my room and started to touch me and one thing led to another and he started to molest me (she was now crying her eyes out)

Sean: OMG baby does anyone know about this (he said hugging her while she cried)

Ari: Only Alexa like not even my mom knows and I thought I can just not think about but then the nightmares of it happening started again

Sean: Baby I'm so sorry this happened to are so strong you've really have been through so much.

Sean couldn't believe what Ari just told him...He would have never known that she went through that and he knows her like the back of his hand. All he knows is he has to just keep being there for her. He was broke out of his thought process when he heard Ari calling for him.

Sean: What is it babe?

Ari: I want to see my babies

Sean: Okay I will go get them

Sean went to the nicu to go get the twins when he got there he couldn't believe his eyes. Malik wasn't next to his brother so he started to freak out and ran to go get a nurse.


Nurse: Sir calm down are you sure he's not with another nurse I remember nurse going to give him a check up let me go ask Dr. Thomas.

Nurse: Dr. Thomas weren't you giving Malik Anderson a check up

Dr. Thomas: No I didn't

Sean: So someone kidnapped my son (crying)

Sean ran back to Ari's room and once he got there Ari could tell something was wrong.

Ari: Baby what's wrong where are the boys

Sean: Baby Malik has been kidnapped (he said crying)

Ari: WHAT WHAT NO NOT MY BABY (She said crying and screaming)

Sean: Baby I'm going to figure out who did this

Sean ran back to the front of the hospital to see the security cameras and what he saw made him almost faint. It was Jhene dressed up as a nurse walking out of the hospital with Malik. He didn't go tell Ari he immediately called the cops and then he called Jhene to meet him at the hospital and he knew just how to do it.

Sean: Hello I would like to report an attempted murder and kidnapping

Police: What is the person's name?

Sean: Her name is Jhene Aiko Efru she shot my wife and then kidnapped my son out of the hospital

Police we are on our way

Sean: Thank you officer

Once Sean got off the phone with the police he immediately called Jhene.

Sean: Hi Jhene how are you (he said acting like he cared)

Jhene: Hey Seany; I'm good how are you

Jhene feeling like she finally won

Sean: I'm good I was just asking if you would meet me at the hospital I want to introduce you to Malik and Michael.

Jhene: I would love to

Sean: Oh by the way bring Malik with you (he said hanging up)

Jhene was shook like how did he know I took Malik but she still went to the hospital thinking she can get Sean back so she put on one of her sexiest outfits grabbed Malik and was off to the hospital.

The police had finally arrived to the hospital and Sean was smiling in the corner because his plan was coming into play.  He saw how she was walking in with Malik with a huge smile on her face thinking I was going to take her back and little does she know she's getting arrested.

Jhene: Hey seany here is Malik now where is Michael


Police: Jhene Aiko Efru you are under arrest for attempted murder of Ariana Anderson and the Kidnapping of Malik Anderson.

Jhene: Sean wait I I I am...

Sean: I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT...Officer get her out of my sight.

Jhene was taken out of the hospital and was arrested. Sean was holding Malik and went to grab Michael and took them to go see their mama.

Ari: My babies (she said crying)

Ari was so happy to see all three of her boys. But she also heard all the commotion that was going on in the lobby so she asked Sean what happened.

Ari: Baby what happened out there (she said holding Malik & Michael so close to her)

Sean: Well baby when I went to go see who took Malik and once I found out who it was I wanted to handle it before coming to you and that's what I did like you were shot and just had twins I didn't want to stress you.

Ari: Who took Malik and what did you do (she asked her husband with curiosity)

Sean: Babe it was Jhene she dressed up like a nurse and walked out the hospital with him and once I found out I called the police and then I called her acting all sweet and shit knowing she was going to fall for it and she did and once she got here and handed me Malik I cussed her ass out and she got arrested for attempted murder and kidnapping. (He said with a proud smile on his face)

Ari:  Damn babe I didn't expect that from you its sexy (she said laughing)

Sean: Baby you know I got you and my boys like her ass took it to damn far

Ari: I love you (She said kissing him)

Sean: I love you too

@BigSean I love my wife and no one is taking me away from her you tried it with your crazy ass Ariana Anderson is my only Queen

@BigSean I love my wife and no one is taking me away from her you tried it with your crazy ass Ariana Anderson is my only Queen

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@BigSean and Malik and Michael are my princes Anderson Clan is stronger than ever

And with that Sean and Ari spent time with their boys until they fell asleep and so they won't have any more issues the nurses brought the twin's beds in the room with Ari and an extra bed for Sean. Ari would be able to leave the hospital on Friday and that's when she is taking the twins to get baptized.

(A/N: I finally updated this one I hope you like it vote and comment and enjoy. My semester is almost over so I will be able to update more often any again I hope y'all like it and I love y'all for your support ❤❤❤❤)

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