Let Me Love You

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Ariana woke up very sick; Sean was still sleeping. All of a sudden Ari ran to the bathroom because she felt herself about to throw up which woke Sean up. While Ari was throwing up Sean was hold her hair back. 

Sean: Baby are you okay

Ari: I don't know I think I may be pregnant (she said nervous)

Sean: PREGNANT how late are you 

Ari: A week 

Sean: How come you didn't say anything

Ari: Because I wasn't sure why I was late I already have an abnormal period

Sean: That's true you should take test to make sure I will call Alexa to pick you up one 

Ari: Okay thanks babe

Sean: Always (he said kissing her forehead)

Once Sean left the bathroom he instantly went to call Alexa to see if she could pick up Ari the pregnancy test.

Alexa: Hello 

Sean: Hey Alexa it's me

Alexa: Hey Sean what's up 

Sean: Ari thinks she might be pregnant can you pick up her some pregnancy test

Alexa: OMG of course I'm on my way

Sean: Thanks Alexa

Alexa: No problem

And with that Sean hung up the phone and went to go check on Ari; on his way upstairs his phone started ringing once he looked at his phone he saw that it was his mom so he answered it. 

Sean: Hey mom what's up 

Myra: Sean I just got a phone from the mayor with some amazing news

Sean: What is it mom

Myra: they want honor you with the key to the city

Sean: HOLY SHIT!!! really this is amazing mom when

Myra: Next month 

Sean: I can't believe this I can't wait to tell Ari thanks for this news mom I will talk to you later

Myra: I'm so proud of you son and I know your grandmother is smiling down on you right now 

Sean: Thank you mom I do all of this for y'all (he said getting choked up)

Myra: I know son, I'm going to let you go and tell Ari the news 

Sean: Talk to you later mom

Myra: Bye son

Once Sean got off the mom he instantly ran upstairs to tell Ari the great news he couldn't believe he was being honored with the key to Detroit he tries to do so much for his city with nothing in return.

Sean: Baby girl guess what

Ari: what is it baby 

Sean: my mom just called and told me that Detroit wants to give me the key to the city

Ari: Oh my Gosh baby that is amazing I'm so proud and happy for you (she said hugging and kissing him) 

Sean: Thanks babe I couldn't have done none of this without you 

Ari: No babe you deserve it 

As they were talking the door bell rang Ari instantly knew who it was ; so she ran downstairs to get the test from Alexa. Ari was so nervous she couldn't believe that she might be pregnant. So Ari ran to the bathroom and took all of the test than she sat in the room with Sean and Alexa and just waited.

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