Prettiest Girl

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Sean and Ari are still in Detroit...Ari has really been enjoying her time with Sean's family and now that Brett is out of the hospital they all were in Sean's family room watching old home videos. Ari loved how the Anderson's treated her like family even after all the stuff she done after the breakup. But all she knew was she was falling in love with Sean all over again

Sean's POV: Seeing Ari interacting with my family the way she has this week makes me really see a future with her...I know are careers are going to have us a part a lot but not with this next tour because I have a plan I want to do a collaboration album with Ari for our fans.

Sean: Babe can you come upstairs real quick

Ari: Sure babe here I come

Once Ari got to Sean's room Sean asked her if she wanted to do a duet album.

Ari: what's up babe is everything OK

Sean: yes babe everything is just fine I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to do a duet album next year

Ari: OMG babe I would love know I love working with you....also I have a question to ask you..I know my album Moonlight will be coming out in a couple months but I was wondering if you wanted to add a verse to Moonlight since the song is about you.

Sean: Baby I would love to...and I'm happy about doing this album with you I already have so many plans for when we get back to LA.

Ari: I can't wait either also I can't wait to move in with you sexy.

Sean: I can't wait either we are starting our lives over and I'm happy we are in a way better place then we were before.

Ari: I agree therapy has really been helping me

(A/N: Ari has been doing her therapy sessions over the phone and through Skype while in Detroit)

Sean and Ari was in such a great place they couldn't wait to put Ricky behind bars and live their lives again.

Ari's POV: Being in Detroit has been the best thing for me and Sean like we've reconnected in a way so strong not even our friends and families he really makes me feel like the Prettiest girl in the world. He showers me in protection and he doesn't see looks with me its deeper than that. While I was upstairs cuddled up with Sean watching Scream Queens I get a phone call from my best friend.

Me: hey girl what's up

Zendaya: hey Ari its been awhile what's new with you

Me: Well me and Sean got back together and right now I'm in Detroit as we speak.

Zendaya: aww girl I'm so happy for you two I could tell y'all missed each other

Me: thanks girl..I am happy how are you and Khleo doing.

Zendaya: we are great...hey when you get back to LA me, you and the guys should go on a double date.

Me: That would be great....see you than girl.

Zendaya: See you than tell Sean I said hi.

Ari: Same to you and I will bye sissy

Zendaya: Bye sissy

Once Ari got off the phone she told Sean about the double date and that Zendaya said hi.

Ari: babe that was Zendaya and she invited us on a double date with her and Khleo for when we get back to LA and also she says hi.

Sean: That sounds like fun I love hanging out with them.

Ari: I know right...but anyway what do you want to do now.

Sean: Baby I just want to sit here and cuddle and talk.

Ari: Fine by me what do you want to talk about

Sean: First I want to know...why don't you do R&B music baby you have the voice for it.

Ari: Babe I really want to do more R&B...but Scooter feels like pop is a better target for me.

Sean: Babe I feel like Scooter wants to keep you in a bubble...I've think you've out grown him

Ari: I kind of agree with you babe but I can't just fire him because I need a manager.

Sean: Babe I have something to tell you and you have to promise me you won't get mad.

Ari: I promise

Sean: well I had a meeting with Jay Z before we left for the Bahamas and asked him if he was will on signing you under his management team with ROC Nation

Ari: OMG Sean what did he say

Sean: Baby he said he will sign

Ari: OMG BABY THIS IS EXCITING (Ari showers Sean in kisses

At this point Ari was super excited to sign with ROC Nation she always wanted to be managed by Jay Z and R&B music.

Sean's POV: I'm so happy that my baby is so happy about this seeing that smile on her face makes her the prettiest girl in the world inside and out. All she has to do now though is call and fire Scooter which I know is going to be hard for her.

Me: Babe you know you are going to have to call and fire Scooter.

Ari: Yes babe I know can you be in here with me when I call him

Sean: Always Babe I got your back

Ari: Thanks baby let me call him now.....hey Scooter

Scooter: Hey Ari what's up

Ari: Scooter I have good news and bad news

Scooter: Give me that bad news first

Ari: Well Scooter I love you like a father and I appreciate everything you have done for me but its time for us to go separate ways

Scooter: Ari are you firing me

Ari: yes Scooter I'm sorry

Scooter: if that's the bad news what's the good news

Ari: The good news is Jay Z wants to sign me to ROC Nation

Scooter: Ari even though this is tough for me I give you my blessing and I always got your back

Ari: Thanks Scooter and bye

Scooter: Bye Ari

Ari: Babe I just want to say im so thankful for everything you've done for me...and always being there.

Sean: Anything for you baby, I always got your back...I love you forever and always.

Ari: I love you too baby (Ari kisses Sean)

Sean and Ari made out for awhile than cuddle up together and went to sleep.

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