Mad Love

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Sean was still pissed off about that interview he felt like he had to say something because he felt like the disrespect toward Ari was getting out of hand whether it be from some of his fans to these interviewers he saw what Charlamagne had said when he interviewed her at the VMAs.

SEAN'S POV: I'm really getting sick and tired of the disrespect toward my wife like yes I had a little thing with Jhene when me and Ari broke up but that's in the past. To be completely honest I wasn't in love with Jhene anyway it was just sex with her so if another interviewer pulls that Ari is scare of Jhene stealing me bullshit again i'm going to snap like what does Ari need to be jealous of look at her. (Sean thought to himself looking at his pregnant wife) 

Once Sean and Ari were completely settled in bed Sean got a phone call from his mother so of course he rushed to answer it;

Myra: Sean I heard you and Ari's interview this morning how are you holding up

Sean: I'm fine Ari handled herself really well I'm just sick and tired of people feeling like they can keep disrespecting her like that, i'm not just going to keep sitting back while she keeps defending herself when she shouldn't have to mom

Myra: Son I know it's tough just remember don't let know one disrespect your wife; however don't let these people get you out of character either; and another thing I heard that Naya is dropping a book and you and Ari are in it.

Sean: WAIT WHAT (Sean said shocked)

Maya: Yeah son she was trying to say that you and Ari were cheating behind her back she said and I quote " Sean was acting strange so I went home early and walked in since I had a key and who do I see a little girl whose name rhymes with Shmariana Swande sitting on the couch listening to music" 

Sean: Like what the hell (sorry for my language) why is she lying she knows Ari was there working on my album as I was hers and Ari was with Jai at the time like this is disrespectful on so many levels mom

Myra: I know son I felt like I should let you know before you got online because they are now calling Ari a homewrecker well Naya's fans that is 

Sean: Thanks for telling me ma I will talk to you later I need some sleep 

Myra: Alright son sleep well tell Ari and my future grandbabies I love them

Sean: I will good night mom.

 Once Sean got off the phone with his mom he went upstairs to check on Ari; once he got upstairs he saw that Ari was already sound asleep. So Sean kissed her forehead and went to go take his shower, after his shower he got into bed and wrapped his arm around Ari and cuddled up to her.

Ari: Everything alright babe you seem tense

Sean: I'm fine go back to sleep (he said kissing her cheek)

And with that Sean and Ari were out in a light. What Sean and Ari doesn't know is Mac, Jai, and Jhene have been all seeing each other and Jhene was pissed that Sean chose Ari so she wanted Mac to call Ari up and basically force her to meet him somewhere most likely the studio to do a song with him to help save his career and when Mac does that when Ari gets there Jhene was going to shoot Ari so she can loose the babies.

Jhene, Mac, and Jai's Apartment:

Jhene and Mac was sitting at the table eating lunch while Jai was at work. While they were eating they were going over their plan. But Mac was starting to have second thoughts about the whole thing he really doesn't want Ari to get hurt at the end of the day she is still his friend.

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