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Ari's POV: Well today is my first day of therapy..I'm so nervous I don't know what to expect. As I walk in the building everything starts to hit me. Well so I walk up to lady at the front desk and introduce myself.

Me: Hi I'm Ariana Grande here to see Dr. Thomas

Lady: Hello Ms. Grande Dr. Thomas will see you in 5 minutes please take a seat in the waiting area.

Me. Thank You

Ariana sat in the waiting room waiting for her name to be called into the back. As she waited she texted Sean to calm her nerves.

To Babe: I'm so nervous

Babe: Don't be every thing is going to be fine

To Babe: I know thanks babe love you well its time for me to in the back I will tell you how everything when I come over later.

Babe: Alright love you baby and everything is going to be fine.

To babe: 😚

Ari's POV: After texting Sean all my nerves went away I really love that man. I got brought back to reality when Dr.Thomas called my name.

Dr.Thomas: Ms. Grande are you ready

Me: Yes ready as I will ever be

So they walked back to Dr. Thomas's and the session began they talked about everything

Dr . Thomas: So Ms. Grande what happens to be the reason behind this session

Me: Well I was in a serious relationship with my boyfriend Sean and than I went on tour and than he went on tour. Our dates were conflicting so we decided to break up and that's when things went down from there. I started dating one of my dancers Ricky to cover up that fact that I was hurting. I started lashing out and acting out of character licking donuts when I'm a vegan saying I hate America. Long story short I came to the conclusion that I can't without a man in my life. I don't know how to be alone.

Dr.Thomas: Ms. Grande let's try and get to the root of the problem. So let's go back to when you were a kid. Was your father in your life

Me: Yeah but he became really distant once him and my mom got a divorce when I was 8. Than my grandfather and my brother became the father figures in my life.

Dr.Thomas: I see so as I see it you are always wanting a man to be the father figure in your life. When did this problem become serious.

Once the Dr. asked that question she started to think back and it was right after her break up with Sean. She thought they continued with the conversation than ended the session and scheduled another one for after her trip with Sean.

Now she is on her way back to Sean's house. On her way there she thought about her session little did she know Sean was at her house talking to Joan, Frankie, and Nonna.

To Babe: My session is over I'm on the way to your house now

Babe: that's great baby but I'm at your house right now

To Babe: My house, I guess that's better than because now I can tell all of you guys how my session went

Babe: Yes your house, and great I can't wait to hear how it went see you in a bit

To babe: ok see you in a bit

Sean' s POV: After I got done texting Ari I continued talking to the Grande's they always treated me as a member of the family. And I love them for that.

Joan: Was That Ari

Me(S): Yes her session is over and she said she on her way over to tell us how it went

Joan: That's great I'm anxious to hear how it went

Frankie & Nonna: Same

As they were all talking Ari walks in, as she walks in she is greeted by all of her babies. After saying hi to all of her babies she walked to where her family and love of her life was sitting and said hello and hug and kissed them all. After saying hi to everyone she began to talk about her session.

Ari's POV: Well here it goes well the root of the problem comes from dad leaving when I was a kid. So I replaced him with grandpa and frankie. However since Frankie couldn't always be around and grandpa couldn't always be her that's where I started dating Graham. Every thing was fine but once we broke up I felt like another man left my life. So once I met Jordan it was easy because we were always around each other but than he cheated on me with a boy so that didn't work out. To skip to Grandpa's death when grandpa died I felt like having man in my life wasn't going to happen but Sean showed me that not all men is just going to walk out of my life and I was finally happy again. So when we broke up I was broken so I ran to Ricky because he was always there and I didn't have to worry about him leaving. Which was all just a cover up of my hurt over Sean which caused me to avoid him. But all my fans knew I wasn't happy and knew I still lived Sean. So when Sean called me asking to the Research video I was excited because it showed me that he was never leaving me like he said in Right There he really was always going to be right there and he forgave me.

Once Ari finished what she had said everyone had tears in their eyes including Ari that first session help her reveal so much which is helping her be a better girlfriend and woman for Sean because he deserves it. She was holding in so much sadness that it started to take a toll on her to the point she lost herself.

After everyone stop crying Sean and Ari looked at each other for 5 minutes and than Sean leaned and a gave Ari a loving hug and sweet kiss and than looked at her again and smiled at her and than he said.

Sean: " No matter how many mistakes you make I will always love and be right there for you as long as you take me serious you would take that white dress out of the closet because you are my everything"

All Ari could do was look at Sean and smile..at the fact that she really have found her prince charming after kissing so many frogs.

Now that all the loving and emotional moments were do Ari, Sean, Joan, Frankie, and Nonna sat in the theater watching scary movies all night.

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