Stay and Fight

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Sean's POV: Once Ari told me it was Ricky who was the one possibly texting me. I started asking her questions.

Me: Babe what happened between you and Ricky

Ari: Nothing really I was using him for male attention, I didn't really have feelings for him

Me: Then why is he threatening me?

Ari: It's probably because he is butt hurt because I fired him

Me: Makes sense well he can stay mad because he's not winning this war.

Ari's POV: After Sean kept asking me all of those questions I started to worry that he was going to run to the media spreading lies about me.

Me: Babe what if he goes to the media speading lies about me.

Sean: Babe don't worry about him I have a plan.

Me: What kind of plan?

Sean: Well remember when you said you want to flip the video.

Me: Yeah

Sean: Well we are going to call Ricky to the set tomorrow and I'm going to confront him.

Me: What if he doesn't come?

Sean: Oh he will because you are going to call him and tell him you are going to give him his job back.

Me: Okay got it

After Sean told me his plan I went upstairs to Sean's Room to call Ricky.

Ricky: Hello

Me: Hey Ricky

Ricky: What do you want?

Me: I was wondering if you wanted your job back

Ricky: Now why would I come back and dance for you

Me: Because know you need a job and no one else is going to hire you

Ricky: Well let me think about it

Me: well if you decide to take the job meet me at the Research video set tomorrow at 10am sharp

Ricky: Ok got you Bye Ariana

Me: Bye Ricky

After I got off the phone with Ricky and ran downstairs and told Sean everything is a go.

Sean's POV: After Ari told me everything was set I knew my plan was set just the way I wanted it to be.

Me: Babe do you want to stay tonight sense we shoot the video tomorrow

Ari: Of course I miss sleeping next to you

After she said she would stay I became a very happy man and leaned in to kiss her she accepted what was just a simple kiss turned into a heated make out session. Man I really missed this woman the make out session led to the bedroom and we had fun the rest of the night.

Next Day:

Ari's POV: Man last night was amazing, It was great to turn around and see the man I love laying next to me. I kissed his cheek and then went and took a shower to get ready for the big day.

Sean POV: I'm so excited to be shooting this video with my baby today. I look over and I don't see her next to me but then I hear the shower running. Once she gets out the the bathroom I tell her good morning and give her a kiss and than I get in the shower.

Ari's POV: Once Sean got in the shower I went down stairs to eat me some fruit to eat and watch TV before we had to go and shoot the video. 10 minutes later Sean comes down stairs and asks me if I'm ready to go I said "Yeah babe let's go".

After Sean and Ari left Sean's house they drove to the venue to shoot the video once they got there to their surprise Ricky actually showed up. Once they seen him Sean had a huge smirk on his face in his mind he knew his plan was working.

Ari's POV: Once I saw Ricky I decided to go over and talk to him.

Me: Hey Ricky I see you came

Ricky: Well I thought about it and I really do need a job

Me: Before I give you your job back I have to make sure there is no hard feelings

Ricky: No hard feelings I understand why you did it (lying)

Once Sean seen the smirk on Ricky's face he decided that's when it was time to step in.

Sean: Hey Ricky what's up

Ricky: Hey Sean nothing much

Sean: So what is this about you winning the war

Ricky:(Smirking) all I meant was you got that hoe now but she won't be yours for long

Sean: What did you call her

Ricky: You heard me a hoe

Once Sean heard him said it again he punched Ricky straight in the face the fight went on for 5 minutes until Ricky called a quits and left the set. And the was the last of hearing from him again.

Ari's POV: It felt good to see Sean fight for my honor after that fight was over we went to shooting the video and I so proud of how it came out.

Once they finished shooting the video they went back to Sean's house to watch movies and just hang out together.

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