Stop This World

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Today was Sean and Ari's last day in Detroit, they were ready to get back home but they were really enjoying themselves. Ari was so happy to get to know Sean's family better...she really became a member of the family and she loved that they loved her like one of there's. Since today was there last day they decided to have a family BBQ.

Sean's POV: I really enjoyed this week in Detroit with my family and my future wife. I barely get to see my family with all my time on the road I've really missed them as we are preparing for the BBQ I decided to take a break and go watch TV with Ari and my niece Morgan.

Me: Hey baby....hey morg

Ari & Morg: Hey

Me: babe I'm so glad you spent this week with me and my family.. Morgan seems to really love you

Morgan: Uncle Sean I'm going out back with grandma

Me: OK be careful

Morgan: I will (hugging Sean and Ari)

Ari: babe I so glad I got to spend time with your family as well...they have really became my second family.

Me: I'm glad baby

As Sean and Ari was talking Ari got a text message

Unknown Number: photo of Ari and Sean in Sean's backyard cuddled up

Once Ari saw the photo she screamed...

Sean: baby what's wrong

Ari hands Sean her phone

Sean: babe who sent this

Ari: I don't know....the number is unknown

Sean: this is weird

Ari: Babe do you think someone is following us

Sean: babe I don't know...but I seems like it

Ari: Babe I'm scared

Sean: don't're safe with me

Ari: thanks babe I love you

Sean: (Kisses Ari) I love you too

Sean's POV: I don't know what's going on but who ever is messing with us...messed with the wrong person. As I was relaxing on the couch with mom called me into the backyard to help her.

Myra: Sean can you come help me

Me: Here I come....babe I will be right back

Ari: (kissing Sean) alright babe

With that Sean went into the backyard. As Ari was watching TV she decided to skype Shawn to handle some business before going back to LA.

Shawn(Jay Z): hello Ari what's up

Ari: hey I was just calling to see if you have anything planned for me..for when I get back to LA

Shawn(Jay Z): actually yes I set you up and interview with Big Boy to promote Dangerous Woman

Ari:OMG that's great I can't wait to promote my new album

Shawn(Jay Z): also we've set up a mini concert for you to perform all of you music and premier Focus at HOB

Ari: that sounds fantastic I can't wait send me all the information for when I get back

Shawn(Jay Z): Sounds like a me at my office when you get back so we can talk more about future endeavors

Ari: alright thank you see you when I get back...bye

Shawn(Jay Z): Bye Ari

Once Ari got done talking to Jay Z she got another text message from that unknown number

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