Chapter 1: The arrival

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Emma's POV:
I couldn't believe it! I was sitting in the limo with my siblings Ravi and Zuri to head off to a Camp in Main. Why does it have to be us? I thought as I looked out of the window to see trees and lakes everywhere.

"Luke's so lucky!" I said.

"He isn't lucky, Emma! He has to spend his whole summer holidays in school to come into 10th grade. If he wouldn't be looking for girls, his grades would be way better!" Zuri explained and pointed to a sign.

Camp Kikiwaka I read. Great, lets do this...

We almost walked 5 minutes or so, to come to the registration. Out of breath, I rested my 5 suitcases onto the ground.

"You must be the Ross kids, aren't you?" An older women welcomed us, not that friendly, in my opinion.

"Yes, I'm Emma, this is Zuri and this is Ravi. Nice to meet you." I smiled but the girl who must be around the same age as me, glared at me.

"Welcome to Camp Kikiwaka. Ahh the Rosses. Your dad was such an amazing guy! But your mother... She, she got right in our way!" The women said angrily.

"Okay? So, where's my cabin? And who's gonna take my suitcases?" I asked and was about to leave.

"You don't think here's a butler for you, do you? You'll gonna take your suitcases to your cabin, understood?" The girl with blond hair rolled her eyes.

Finally, Zuri and I arrived at our cabin "Wood Chucks".

A brunette walked over to us.

"Hello! I am Lou and you must be Emma and Zuri, right?"

I nodded. Zuri was already talking to another girl in the cabin, who obviously tried to study.

"This is Tiffany" Lou explained. "She's very into studying, as you can see."

I unpacked my things and after that Lou showed us around Camp.

And then, I saw someone. A boy, to be exact. He was like the handsomest boy I've ever seen!

"Who... Is he?" I asked Lou.

"This is Xander, he's very athletic and has always a smile on his face."

Lost in my thoughts, Lou tapped on my shoulder.

"Emma, he's standing right next to you. Talk!"

Oh no! What am I going to say?!

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now