Chapter 51: Christmas

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Emma's POV:
I woke up by someone kissing my cheek. I smiled. I immediately knew who the person was.

"Stop it, Xander. I'm tired..." I groaned.

"Em... Emma... Emma Banana..." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Xan-" I got interrupted by him. He pulled my blanket away.

"No! It's so cold! Give it back, please!" I pouted. Gosh, he could be very annoying sometimes!

"Merry Christmas, Princess!" I involved me into a long, tight hug.

"Merry Christmas, Xandy Candy." I smiled and snuggled up into the crook of his neck.

Xander chuckled.

"I knew you would get up. Now, open my present for you." My boyfriend handed me a box. There was a little note on it.

For my Emma Banana. Merry Christmas! Lots of love, your Xandy Candy.

I opened it and...

I frowned. There was a banana in it.

"Um, a banana?" I asked surprised.

Xander grinned. "Yeah! Because, Emma Banana? And you're holding a banana? Got it?"

It was kinda cute, but... Idk.

"Oh, of course. Thank you." I squeezed his hand, but he began to burst out in laughter.

"BAHAHAHA!!! You should've seen your face OH MY HOLY CANDY!!!" Xander laughed like never before in his life.

But I stayed calm. "What do you mean?"

Finally, he stopped laughing. "Did you really think that this is your actual present?"

I hesitated. "Well..."

"Of course it's not, silly! Your actual present is this..." Xander handed me another box, smaller, than the first one.

"C'mon, baby, open it." Xander smiled. I blushed when he called me baby. But who wouldn't, right?

I did.

"Oh my gosh... That's so beautiful, omg Xander!" I hugged him.

It was a silver necklace, with a heart. On the heart stood Xemma.

"Wait a second. What the heck is Xemma?" I asked.

"It's our shipname. Xander+Emma= Xemma." My boyfriend explained and hold my hands.

"This is the cutest, thank you so much! I love you!" I thanked him and gave him a kiss on the mouth. Sparks were everywhere...

"I love it when you're happy. I love it when we kiss. It's just perfect..." Xander whispered dreamily.

"Aww! Oh, before I forget... This is my present for you. Hope you like it."

I handed him a little box as well.

"50 unforgettable moments." Read Xander .

He opened it and gasped.

50 photos of me and him. From when we first met, our first date and to our way home from the hospital, us sleeping next to each other, our hands intertwined.

"Oh wow... This is so so cute, Em!
He pulled me into a long hug.

"Glad you like it!" I whispered.

"I don't. I love it. And I love you, Emma Banana." He smiled and stroke my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you too, Xandy Candy! Meet Christmas." I said and we just stood there for a while, hugging each other.

This moment could last forever...

A/n: Merry Christmas, Xemma-fans!❤️ Love you all so much!😘 Hope you like this little Christmas special!😊

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now