Chapter 36: Xander's Dad

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Emma's POV:
Xander's mood suddenly changed. He told me about his dad a few days ago. Didn't sound that good. He said that his dad would have an alcohol problem and that Xander would be something like his maid and does all the chores.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." I smiled at Xander and squeezed his hand. His hands were all sweaty.

Gosh, he really was nervous!

"Ugh, there you are!" His dad groaned and walked up to us.

"Hi d-dad..."

"Dad!? Dad? Did you forget how to call me, you little brat!?" Xander's dad turned red.

"Sir, I mean sir. I'm sorry." Xander mumbled and got closer to me. I immediately wrapped my arms around him.

"And who's this little blondie? Your girlfriend? Ugh, Xander. How many times did I tell you, huh!? First, you help me in the house before you go search a girlfriend. No girl would like you anyway." His dad laughed at him.

"Excuse me? Hi, I'm Emma. And I am his girlfriend. Nice to meet you, too..." I stuck out my hand for shaking his, but he passed.

"Sir, what-what are you doing here?" Xander asked, avoiding eye-contact.

"Nothing much, but, I'll talk to Gladys now. See you, wait, fix my tie first. Oh, wait, I forgot you're not able to do this, dumb boy. Here, what was your name again, Emma? Fix my tie."

What kind of problem does he have?!

I laughed. "No. I will not fix your tie. And Xander won't too. Stop being so mean to your own son. You can't treat him like trash!" I snapped at his dad.

"What? What did you just say to me? I hope I misunderstood it, young lady!" He glanced his fists. Xander came between us.

"Don't you dare hurting her, got it!?" Xander whispered right into his dad's face.

His dad rolled his eyes and left to search for Gladys.

Xander and I went into his cabin.

"Emma. Why did you do this?" Xander sighed.

"I... I just wanted to help you." I replied, and sat down next to him.

"You did not help me with this." My boyfriend's voice raised up.

"Xander, listen, it can't be that bad, okay? I'm here." I rubbed his back.

"It is bad, Emma. You know what he'll do? He will take me back home, again. And then it's the last time I ever was here. The last time am around you." A single tear rolled down his cheek. I grabbed his face and made him look right into my eyes.

"Xandy, we will handle this. Look, everyone here at camp likes you. We are more than him." I placed a kiss on Xander's cheek.

"Thanks, I needed that." He sighed once more.

"I love you way too much, to just let you go, Xander. I won't let that happen. He can't just take you with him. We will find a solution. I love you Xander." I gave him a tight hug, and he wrapped his strong arms around my neck.

"I love you too, Em." He whispered into my hair.

There suddenly was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Xander answered and all the campers were standing in his cabin now.

"What..." Xander mumbled and sniffed.

"A little surprise for you. I texted Lou, and we made a plan." I smiled at him. A little smile appeared on his face.

"Every camper, will say why you are so special to them, and then your dad will see that your not useless. Do you agree?" I asked.

"Yeah, but, it won't be easy." Xander replied.

"Hey. Do you trust me?" I turned his head to focus on me.

"More than anyone." Was his answer.

"Then believe me, this is gonna work."

•30 minutes later•

By now we were outside. His dad came to us.

"Xander, go grab your stuff. You're coming with me."

"But-" in this moment, Xander interrupted by a camper.

"Xander cheers me up when I'm mad. He knows the best jokes." A little boy, around 8 said.

His dad looked confused.

Another camper came.

"Xander is my idol. I look up to him. One day, I want to be that cool like your son."

Xander's smile got brightly.

After 10 more campers, it was our turn. Lou got first.

"Xander. Your talent for music is huge, and, I know I can always count on you, no matter what."

After Lou, it was Ravis turn.

"You're awesome. You never get into a fight with Mrs. Kipling, which is admirable, by the way. And also, thank you for teaching me how to swim." Ravi smiled at Xander.

After Zuri, Tiffany and Jorge said something, it was my turn. The last one.

"Xander. You're the smartest boy I know. You are always there for me and, even if there were a few misunderstandings during the last 3 weeks, I always did and do love you. Y-You're my Xandy Candy. And I love you so, so incredibly much." After this little speech, a few tears rolled down my cheek. Xander grabbed my face and kissed me right on the mouth. Sparks flew everywhere, at least that's how it felt.

"So, do you still think your sun is useless and a little brat?" I turned to Xander's dad. He was speechless.

"I... I didn't know that actually one person would ever like you." His dad mumbled. He clearly was surprised about the whole situation.

"Well, they do like me, as you heard. And I love this camp. I love all the campers. I love my wonderful girlfriend to death. Please, don't make me go. This is all I have. Just let me stay here until the end of the summer. Please, dad." Xander begged.

"Ugh, fine whatever." We all were shocked of his reaction.

"They really do like you. But, who's gonna do the chores?" Xander's dad asked.

"You will. I am not your servant, alright? I am your son. And please, go to a therapist because of your alcohol problem. You need to talk to someone about it. I only want the best for you... Please don't punch me!" Xander took a few steps backwards.

But instead of pushing him, his dad patted his shoulder.

"I will. This visit made me realize how bad I've treated you over all the years. And I'm sorry for that. I'll go now. See you soon, Xander." His dad let a little smile appear on his face. My boyfriend smiled back.

And then, Xander's dad made his way out of camp.

"Thank you all so much, guys. Without you I would be on my way home now. You're the best friends in the whole world. And Emma, you're the best girlfriend in the whole world. I love you." Xander hugged everyone and placed a gentle, passionate kiss on my mouth.

A/n: Yay, everything turned out well! This is a looong chapter, haha! But I hope you like it:) Thank you all so much for 21k+ reads, you guys are the best. Please, tell me your opinion in the comments down below:)

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