Chapter 57: The End?

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Emma's POV:
"Emmmmaaa" someone whispered into my ear. Of course it was him.

"Mhh?" I asked sleepily, my eyes still closed.

"Wakey, wakey." Xander gave me a peck on the cheek.

I groaned. "No, not yet. Please let me sleep, Xandy Candy." I pouted and buried my face in my pillow.

"But... But I love you!" Xander argued.

I grinned. "I love you too."

"Please get upppp."

"Not. Yet." I replied, and wrapped my arms around him.

He hold me tight and stroked my back. "But it's already 10 am."

My eyes widened. "10 AM? OMG IM SO LATE!" In the next second, I was already my way to the bathroom.

"Late for what? Tell me, I'm curious." Xander grinned. I shut the door from the bathroom and made myself ready.

"It's a fashion show. I'm supposed to be there in... HALF AN HOUR?" I explained and hurried even more.

"No worries. I'll come with you." Xander answered and knocked on the door.

I frowned and laughed out loud.
"You like fashion shows?"

He chuckled. "Of course not! I just want to spend time with my girlfriend. It's you, by the way."

I exited the bathroom, already dressed. "My make-up.. How do I look? Is this outfit okay? What about my hair?"

He kissed me, passionately. "You look gorgeous, Princess."

"Thank you!" I blushed and hugged him. "Now, let's go! Or they won't let me in.."

Xander and I said goodbye to my mom and my siblings and then rushed out of our penthouse.

We ran, hand in hand. We only had to cross the crowded street and we would be there.

"C'mon, Xander! We only have got a few minutes left!"
The streets of New York were always full and crowded, but today, don't let me get started. I've never seen this much traffic before!

I wanted to run over the street, only focusing on what would happen if I'd be late, but I heard Xander shouting my name behind me.


But it was too late. I got hit by something. I got hit by a car. And then everything went black...

A/n: Wow, I haven't updated for so long! So sorry! But hope you like this chapter:)
Btw THANK YOU for 40k reads, ahhhh!❤️

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now