Chapter 17: Don't Go!

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A/N: please guys read the chapter first, before you watch the video! Thanks! Makes a lot more sense then:)
Emma's POV:
"He wants what?!" I asked Lou in disbelieve.

"You heard me! You have to fix this, whatever happened between you two."

I didn't want him to go, even if he may be a jerk at the moment.

"I'll go talk to him." I replied and headed to the Grizzly cabin.

I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door.

Xander opened. He looked upset.

"Xander, what are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"Ignoring you. Just like you did." He replied and went back to his luggage.

"You can't go."

"Oh, I can! I don't want to spend my summer with someone who tries to avoid me. I thought you'd like me, Emma." His voice dropped.

"Well you were mean to me, don't you remember?!" I went closer to him.

"When the hell was I ever mean to you?" He asked confused. He looked at me with pure sadness in his eyes.

"You don't know? Oh please! You called me a rich girl and you said that you'd never like me. That was enough to hear, Xander." I explained, tears filled my eyes.

He turned around, looking surprised.

"I never- oh." He said.

"Oh? That's all? I expected more, like an apology." My face dropped.

"Emma, you misunderstood something! When I talked to Jorge, I didn't mean you." Xander explained and took my hand into his. I was confused.

"You didn't? Them who did you mean?" I asked.


"Hazel? Wait, she isn't rich, is she?"

"Her family owns a hotel in Chicago. It's pretty huge and successful. I promise, I talked about her. I'd never say something like this about you. You mean way too much to me!" Xander smiled. He made me blush.

"Wait, but you watched a movie with Hazel and-" he cut me off.

"Yes. I did because I saw you with Caleb. I wanted to make you feel the same way I feel when I see you two together." I could say he was really sorry.

"Hey, that's mean! But, Caleb and I are only friends, trust me. I mean, we were a couple in Texas, which is already two years ago..."

"I trust you." He then gave me a quick kiss in the cheek, which made me shiver first.

"I'm sorry that I shouted at you. I was just, disappointed and, what's it called again? J..."

"Jealous?" He laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so." I giggled.

"I feel so bad now." He replied.

"You still want to go? Back home?" His luggage was all packed and stood near the door.

"I changed my mind. It's all good between us again?" Xander asked, smiling his adorable smile.

"Yeah." I smiled back, and I realized we were still holding hands.

"Caleb is really annoying." I laughed.

"So is Hazel! I mean, have you seen her? She's out of her mind!" He chuckled.

"I know right! She really loves you, I feel sorry for you." I friendly punched him on his arm.

"Oh, don't worry. I already like another girl." He blushed when he said this. So did I.

"Oh I forgot. You want to hear my new song I wrote?" Xander grabbed his guitar.

I nodded, and was excited because, he has the voice of an angel!

He began.

"There's a song stuck in my head, but al the words just go unsaid. Here I am with all my courage, to say something without turning red. You make me feel like smiling. I dream of you all the time. I hope the stars are shining on your reply. Oh oh, please Emma will you go on a date? Oh oh, I'm hoping you won't make me wait. Oh oh, please Emma will you go on a date with me?"

I was speechless. I blushed and my smile brightened at every word he sang. He sang a song for me. He wrote it for me.

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Xander!" I hugged him, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He's the cutest! I thought when I looked at Xander, smiling all over his face, just like me.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now