Chapter 2: Girlfriend?

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Emma's POV:
"Talk!" I heard Lou say. Oh my goodness!

"Uh, I-I'm Emma, Emma Ross." I stuttered and blushed a bit.

"Xander" he said with the most adorable smile I've ever seen.

"You're new here, aren't you? I come here since I was 10 or something, so I know everyone very good." Xander continued.

"Yes, your right, that's my first time here, I'm with my siblings, Ravi and Zuri."

"Great, oh Ravi is in my cabin. He's with this alligator, right?" He chuckled.

I laughed. "Alligator? Haha! You're funny!"

"Thanks, you're cute!" Xander said. Omg! Did he really just say that I'm cute!?

"Oh, sorry, I mean of course you're cute and-"  He began to stutter. All I did was blushing even more.

"I'll leave you to alone, alright?" Lou winked at me and I mouthed "No, wait!" but she was already gone.

Xander and I stared into each other's eyes for like 1 minute or something, it was magical! We got interrupted by- oh the blond girl again. Who else!

"Xander, babe, you coming?" She asked and grabbed his hands.

"No, no I'm not." He replied and took his hands to him again.

"But why? You're my boyfriend!" Boyfriend?

"Oh, you're her boyfriend?" My face dropped automatically.

"I'll leave you two alone." I said and went away.

"Emma, wait!" I heard Xander shouting after me.

I saw the blond girl glaring at me.

Sad, I went back to my cabin and searched for Lou.

"He has a girlfriend! Oh my gosh, why am I that dumb? How could I think that such a handsome boy would be single?" I was near the tears, weird, because we just met 10 minutes ago and I felt like we already know each other since kindergarten.

"Emma, what are you talking about? He hasn't got a girlfriend. He's the one who would never date a girl of here. Just because he wants to enjoy this Camp and not a girl who's always with him!" Lou explained.

I now was sobbing into my pillow. "Well what I saw was not like you said. This blonde girl, took his hands and automatically started to flirt with him." I felt anger inside me. Was I jealous? Was that even possible!?

"Wait, blonde girl? Ugh, that's Hazel. She's hard to get along with. Don't believe her, she just imagines that she's Xander's girlfriend. Creepy person..." Lou said and rubbed my back.

"You think so?" I looked at her, with make-up running down my face.

"She and I used to be best friends, but she changed so much because of Xander. She was like, obsessed with him and she still is."

"Really? Oh my gosh, what if this happens to me too? If I will be like Hazel?" I was shocked.

"No! You'll never be like Hazel, Emma! I think you can control yourself enough, right? Xander was more important to Hazel than I was to her, although we swore that no boy would get in our way. But now you see what happened." Lou sighed.

"I'm your best friend now!" I smiled at her.

"Even if this means, I have to avoid Xander for you."

"Hey, no way! I ship you both way too much! Fangirl right over here!" She laughed and hugged me.

She's such a great friend! I thought and hugged her back.

I think this camp isn't that bad as I thought. I begin to like it here.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now