Chapter 13: A date?

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Emma's POV:
I saw Lou hiding behind a stone. The creature-whatever it was- came faster and faster. Sometimes, it made weird noises, like growling. I was shocked. I didn't move 1 meter. I couldn't.

"Emma!" Xander whispered. "Come on! We have to hide!"

He grabbed my arm and we jumped into the lake and swam underwater. Xander showed me a way to another entrance. Another hollow.

"What the heck..." I gasped, when we climbed out of the lake.

"Beautiful, right?" We sat down on the ground.

"Yes, it's amazing! More than that! But... What's with the Kikiwaka?" I asked.

"To be honest, I don't know. We just have to hope that it can't swim." He replied.

"How did you know this kind of hollow exists?"

Xander chuckled. "Lou and I were once here, you know, the tour with Gladys? Well, anyways, we went into this hollow and made a contest for who can dive longer... And that's how I found this special one." He explained. I could say he was quite proud.

"You and her are close, don't you?" I asked quietly, surprising myself, because I never thought I would say this to any of them.

"Yes, but, nothing more than friends. Just like brother-sister relationship." He smiled brightly.

"Oh, okay." I smiled back. Sitting in this secret hollow with Xander, was just... Wonderful. I liked it. Every time Caleb or Hazel would be around us, but now, in this moment, we were on our own.

"Ha!" Let Xander out. A quick laugh.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I just asked myself if this is a date or something." He replied, his cheeks turned red.

"Well, a very spontaneous date, would I say." I giggled.

"You think this is a date?" Xander smiled his gorgeous smile, which I melt for- always.

"You don't?"

"I do. Actually. Spending time with you is one of the best things ever." We automatically got closer.

"You're so nice! I like to spend time with you too." I blushed when I said this.

We just were 1-2 inches apart, when I remembered my best friend was still hiding from the Kikiwaka.

"Oh my gosh, Lou! We forgot about Lou! We have to get her! Come on." I stood up as fast as I could.

"Let's go! Wait. One last thing..." Xander paused.

"Wait for wha-"

He kissed me. Not on the mouth, but on the cheek. Which was really cute of him. More than that!

"What was that for?" I asked surprised.

"I don't know! Just came over me... I'm sorry!" He apologized.

"Xander, you don't have to apologize. It was really cute! I liked the last 10 minutes." I smiled at him, he smiled back in relieve.

"Same." Xander replied, before we jumped back into the lake to get our best friend Lou.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now