Chapter 60: How time flies

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4 years later...
It was summer. Summer break. And summer break means Camp Kikiwaka. And Camp Kikiwaka means seeing my beloved boyfriend, aka Xandy Candy.

It was now my 5th time at camp. 5 years in a row. I couldn't get enough of this Camp. Even if Gladys was pretty annoying sometimes but... Back to the story!

"EMMA!" Xander shouted and ran up to me, making all my suitcases (5 suitcases to be exact) fall down to the ground.

"Hey!" I whispered into the crook of his neck. "Haven't seen you in a while." I smiled and hugged him.

"A while?" Xander asked in disbelief. "I haven't seen you in six months." He stated.

"Right. But look, Xemma is reunited again. I love you so much." I was so so happy.

"And I love you." Xander said in a soft voice and kissed me.

"Well, well, if it isn't our favorite couple." Hazel appeared behind us.

"Hazel. How nice to see you again. Where's your boyfriend?" I asked and hugged her as well.

"Caleb is still unpacking in the Grizzly cabin. He promised me a romantic dinner tonight." She looked like she was really looking forward to it.

And now you're going to ask: What the heck did I miss? Hazel and Caleb? A couple? Hazel has a boyfriend?

My answer: Yes. Don't ask me how my ex-boyfriend Caleb could actually fall for her, but they are happy.
Oh, one more thing: Hazel and I became friends real quick after she got into a relationship with Caleb. We are like... I wouldn't say besties, but something close to that.

Speaking of bestie...

"Lou!" I squealed and hugged her.

"Em, how I missed you!" She hugged me back. She wasn't the girl she was 4 years ago. She had changed. In a positive way. Lou now is more girly, wears a little bit of make-up and doesn't make all the boys of camp run away anymore.
I'm so proud of her.

Lou, Hazel and I went into the Woodchuck cabin, my second home.

"So... Em, you're ready for your date with Xandy Candy?" Lou smirked.

"Why, yes." I said. "I still don't know what to wear. He said he has to talk about something really important." I was confused.
"Hey, could you girls help me choose a dress for tonight?"

"Sure. You're going to look super hot, girl!" They squealed and looked at each other.

"Okay?" I asked unsure.

They kept their word. I wore a red, tight dress that ended over my knees. The heels were black and so damn high, it was hard to walk in them. I've never worn high heels that were so high!

"You." Hazel gasped. "Look stunning."

"You do!" Agreed Lou.

"Thanks guys, I love you." I hugged them and made my way to the spot.
Xander wanted me to meet him there.

"Babe, woah." I breathed as he saw me entering the spot.

"You like my outfit."

"I love it." Xander couldn't take my eyes off of me.

"So... What's the special occasion, sweet?" I was curious and sat down on the cozy blanket.

He took a deep breath and intertwined my hands with his.

"Emma Evangeline Ross. You are the nicest, most beautiful, talented girl I know. You're laughing about my jokes, even when they're not funny. In these past 4 years, we've created such great, unforgettable memories. I love you, sweet. Not only because of your looks, but also because of your great sense of humor, kindness and so much more. I... I think now's the time for taking another step forward. Emma, I want to spend my life with you. I can't imagine a life without you." He took a short break.

Tears rolled down my face, unconditionally.

Without saying something, Xander pulled out a little box and opened it. In the box was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

My boyfriend cleared his throat. He seemed kinda nervous.
"Emma, I'm asking you: Do you want to marry me?"

             ~End of book 1~

A/n: Second book?
I'm sorry to cliffhanger you all, hehe.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now