Chapter 48: Feelings

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Emma's POV:
I ran to the spot. I just wanted to be alone and think about what just happened. I couldn't get their words out of my head.

I threw rocks into the lake, tears streaming down my face. I wanted to scream, but there came no voice out of my mouth. I was so broken. So unbelievable broken. Thanks to Lou and Xander.

I sat there for almost two hours before I heard footsteps coming my way. I didn't dare to look at the person who stood behind me.

"Look, I don't want to talk to you, you just destroyed everything okay?" I said under tears.

"Well, thank you?" I heard Caleb behind me.

No way. What is he doing here?

"Caleb? What are you doing here?" I asked confused as he sat down next to me.

"I guess the question is what are you doing here." He replied, staring to the horizon.

"Nothing." I answered and whipped the tears out of my face.

He chuckled. "Well... You just destroyed everything doesn't sound like nothing. C'mon, tell me about it. I know we aren't that close to each other like we used to be, but, sometimes talking to someone really helps you."

I took a deep breath. I just wanted to hide in my bed forever and never face Xander and Lou again.

And then, it just happened. I told him everything. About Lou and Xander's kiss, about me running away.

"Oh, that's bad." He mumbled.

"It's worse, Caleb. I can't face them again. Ever."

He began to search for his mobile phone. "Wait, I know what will cheer you up." He smiled and began to scroll through his camera roll.

"Caleb, it's nice from you to try to cheer me up but- OMG THIS IS SO CUTE!" I zoomed to get a better look of the photo.

"I know right? This is my little niece, Allison. She's an angle. And whenever I'm sad, I just look at her and forget all the problems I have." Caleb explained and stared at the photo of him holding little Allison in his arms.

"This is so sweet, thank you Caleb. You really did make me feel better!" I didn't know why but I hugged him.

"Anything for you, Princess. And don't worry, I think now you know who your true friends are." He rubbed my back. I was so caught in the moment.

"I love you, Emma. My feelings for you never really faded away. You always have and will have a special place in my heart." And after Caleb spoke those things out, we suddenly were like so close to each other. Weird, but... Caleb began to lean in, we were only a few inches apart. I felt so save with him.

We just were about to kiss when I saw Xander's, instead of Caleb's face. But only for like 3 seconds.

"Oh my gosh. I-I can't do this, Xa... Caleb. I-I'm so sorry." My voice was all shaky, my heart beat faster than ever.

"What's the problem, Emma Banana? Please, wait!" Caleb shouted after me, but I already headed back to camp.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now