Chapter 31: Come Back

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Emma's POV:
I hated how Xander was to everyone. I never thought that he actually could have a dark side... But I guess everyone has, even Xander...

"Watch out!" He muttered as he bumped into me.

"Slow down, you idiot!" I replied, already annoyed by his presence.

Was this going to continue the entire summer?!

"Say what now? What did you just call me?!" He snapped back, his eyes widened and his head turned red.

I froze immediately.

"Xander, please, you have to-"

"No, I don't have to do anything. But you, you have to stop talking to me. Forget me, Emma. Just do." Xander spoke, this broke my heart. Into 1000 pieces, at least that's how it felt...

"How can I ever forget you? You were such a nice, polite boy and now... Look at you." I single tear rolled down my cheek.

"This is me now. Deal with it." Xander replied emotionless.

"This is not you! Stop acting like this, I, I just want you to come back, okay!? To be the old, charming Xander you were a week ago! And only because I said that I don't know what I feel for you yet doesn't mean you have to overreact and-" I got interrupted by him.

"Oh, so now you think I overreact?!" His voice raised up.

"You clearly do." I muttered.

"Xander, please, I didn't say I don't like you or don't want to be with you. Of course I want, you're... You were so special to me!" I said, my voice was shaking.

"So I was special to you. Alright."

"I don't want to be friends with someone who's the bad boy, Xander. I want to be friends with Xandy Candy."

"Xandy Candy? Doesn't exist anymore. Deal with it, Emma." He shrugged, glancing at me.

"Fine. But if you're not going to be the old, real you, I'll never talk to you again. Never!" I almost shouted, bursting out into tears.


"Fine!" I shouted back, running away. I heard him kicking against a trash can.

I couldn't believe that this was him now.

It's not and it never will be. He just doesn't realize it yet...

A/n: Oh my gosh, poor Emma! If this is just a phase of Xander? Will he change back to Xandy Candy again? Find out in the upcoming chapters of Xemma!:)

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now