Chapter 44: Romeo and Juliet

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Emma's POV:
"Okay, candy for you..." I said when I entered Xander's room.

I was so excited for this 'date'!

He smiled at me. "And bananas for you."

I laughed. "Thank you? I thought you were kidding?"

He made a serious face. "Do I look like I'm kidding?" Xander smirked at me.

"Most of the time." I replied, and tried to hide my smile.

It was so hard to pretend to be friends with him. My feelings were stronger. We weren't just... Friends. We were more than that. Even if he didn't know it yet.

I ate something from his candy, and smiled.

"So, I thought about having fun. Doing something... Forbidden. We could sneak into the theatre room." Xander whispered.

"And then? Pretending to be Romeo and Juliet?" I giggled.

He took my hand and we went out. After bed time. I usually hate to do something forbidden but with Xander it was different.

No doctor or nurse was seen on the floors. It was all quiet. Just me and Xandy Candy.

"We're here." Xander whispered and led me on the huge stage.

"Oh Romeo, oh Romeo. Why is your name Romeo?" I acted like so bad, but it was good enough to make him laugh and act with me.

"My dear Juliet. Sweet love. Can I tell you a secret?" He came over to me.

I slowly nodded, grinning all over my face.

"You know, I once told you about the maid. Well, we had a thing going on, but, I broke up with her today." Xander-oh, excuse me- Romeo told me.

"Y-You mean Hazel? Why did you do that?" I asked shocked but honestly, I was so relieved.

"Juliet, can't you see it? She's Hazel, she's creepy, she's obsessed with me. And plus, I found someone new, who I actually might  like." He answered and grabbed my hands.

"Oh, Romeo, you did? Then who is it?" Man, was I excited for his answer to come.

Xander cleared his throat. "She's called Emma."

Wait a second. Whaaaat??

"Xandy Candy..." I whispered, when tears filled my eyes.

He looked me right in the eyes. "I may only have met her two days ago, but I can feel something for her. There is something between us. It feels like I know her since forever..."

I couldn't control my feelings anymore. I bursted out in tears, when I grabbed his face and smashed my lips against his. How I missed this... How I missed the sweet mint taste of his lips and-

I pulled away after a while.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I just..." I whipped the tears away, and stood up.

"Wait a sec... Emma Banana? Is it you?" I heard Xander's confused voice.

Did he just say... Emma BANANA?!

I turned around. "Uh, y-yes. It's me. D-Do you actually remember me?" Tears began to ran down my cheeks.

I nodded, and smiled at me like never before.

"I can. This kiss... Thank you, Emma Banana." He ran over to me to give me a hug.

The kiss. Oh my gosh, yes, of course! The kiss brought all his memories back!

At least he remembered me.

"Xandy Candy." I whispered into the crook of his neck.

"I love you so so much." Xander replied and I could even feel a tear roll on my shoulder.

He was back. My Xandy Candy was back!

A/n: Xemma is back! Hope you like this chapter! Won't be able to upload for the next 1 or 2 weeks, sorry! Let me know what you think:)

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now