Chaper 7: Complications

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Emma's POV:
After we grabbed our whole surviving stuff, like Gladys called it, we met up right at the lake, where our quest would start.

"So... Good luck everyone. And Emma" Xander began. "Be careful!" He's so cute! I thought. Hazel stared at us.

"Okay, campers! Let's go find this trumpet!" Lou said confident and we headed into the woods.

"Emma, you and Xander are really cute, you know?" I heard Hazel behind me. Did she really just say this?

"Oh, Hazel, thank you so much!" I smiled at her.

"But not as cute as he and I!" She added. Okay, I knew there would come something like this.

"Look, Hazel. You may not accept this but, he's not your boyfriend. And also not mine. So don't hate me for nothing." I explained and looked around for this trumpet.

"For nothing? Nothing?! Emma, you misunderstood it. I'm not hating you... More than that!" She mumbled.

"What was the last thing?" I asked her.

"Nothing, ha ha!" She fake laughed.

Lou interrupted our little conversation.

"Hey, guys! Focus on our quest, not on Xander, alright?"

"Sorry..." We both apologized.

"Where could this stupid trumpet be?" I asked annoyed. It was bad enough that I wasn't in Xander's team.

"Hey! Don't judge on the Kikiwaka and his trumpet!" Lou warned me.

"You really take this quest serious, right?" I asked her, shocked.

"Of course! It's in our hands to find it. We can't come home with no success!" Lou replied.

Wow. You're really taking this serious!

Suddenly, there was a noise.

"D-Did you hear that?" Asked Ravi. He was scared, just like me.

"Yup... If it's the Kikiwaka?" I whined.

"People! Just stay safe and-" began Lou. But it was too late. The last thing I could remember that we all ran in different directions, and that I tripped over something, and fell to the ground. Then everything went black.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now