Chapter 39: Hospital Nights

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Emma's POV:
I couldn't believe Xander was in a coma.

"No! Please, this can't be, I-I'm pretty sure he's just sleeping, right?... Right?" I panicked, the doctor gave me a confused look.

"I'm pretty sure he is sleeping for a long time now." Said the doctor.

"A long time? How long? How long can a coma last?" My eyes were filled with tears and my heart broke into thousand pieces, just of seeing my Xandy Candy lay in a hospital bed.

"Depends. Some people wake up faster than others. Some never wake up again." The doctor folded his hands. He drove me insane.

Then, he finally went out.

"Emma, I got us a hotel room near the hospital, it's pretty late. I'm sure tomorrow's going to be a lot better." My best friend Lou tried to comfort me, but, just like I expected, it didn't help in any way.

"I really do appreciate it but I'm staying with Xander. Please... Are you okay with it?" I scooted closer to Xander. Lou let a quick smile on her face.

"Of course, Em. Good night." They all waved at me and then left the hospital.

Now it was only Xander and I. I looked at the clock. 11 pm. The hallways were all quiet, there was no noise to hear.

I looked at my boyfriend, and lied down next to him. I tangled our hands together and took a deep breath. Xander's fingers were all cold. I rested my head on his chest.

"Xander. Xandy Candy. I know you probably won't hear me now, but I heard that talking to someone who's in a coma would help a bit. So let's try. Listen, you can't believe how much I miss to hear your voice. To see your smile. I miss you so unbelievable much. Without you, I'm just a mess. And it's tragical, that this all happened on our two weeks anniversary. But I know you're gonna be okay again. I know you will. You're so strong, Xandy. So, so strong. Without you, I am nothing. Nothing. I- I just want you back, please... Please come b-back, Xander!" I cried into his chest. It hurt so much. I couldn't stand this situation.

I snuggled up beside him and cuddled myself to him even more. I knew that I wouldn't sleep that night. I just thought about everything. About Xander and I.

Just as my eyes got a little heavy, I snapped out of my thoughts by a noise. A loud, high note. It came from the monitor, Xander was cabled onto.

The noise didn't even change. It constantly went on. And I knew that this wasn't good news.

A few nurses and the doctor from earlier this day rushed into the room.

"W-What's happening?" I asked confused.

"He'll need a lot of luck to survive. I'm afraid to say this but, it doesn't seem that good right now. Okay, who am I kidding, there's to 99% no chance Xander will survive. But don't worry, young lady. We're trying our best." Explained the doctor.

This couldn't be it. Just 1% survival chance?! I didn't see that coming. No one did. After I heard the doctors last words, I slid to the ground and cried and screamed like never before in my life.

Xandy Candy...

A/n: Omg.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now