Chapter 55: Explanation

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Emma's POV:
I searched him everywhere. Man, he was fast! I was so stupid. He was the love of my life and all I did was letting him go.

I finally found Xander in Central Park. His hands covered his face and I could hear a few sobs escaping his mouth.

"Xander?" I whispered when I went closer to him. She shook his head no, signaling that now wasn't the right time to talk to him. I sat down beside him.

"I didn't mean-" I started, but got interrupted by him.

"No, Emma. You did mean it. You meant every little thing you said!" That was when he looked up at me. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Who is it?" He asked. "Caleb? Or a boy from school?"

I shook my head. "No Xander, I don't have a boyfriend." That was a mistake. I shouldn't have said this.

"Alright. You don't have one."

"I didn't mean it like this, please!" I got louder, surprisingly.

"I don't get it. I still have feelings for you Emma. I never doubt it. When I came home, there was no day I couldn't think about you. I've missed you so much. I still have feelings for you!" Xander looked kind of lost and confusion came up on his face.

I placed my hand on his. He looked  at them and I felt a single tear falling on my hand. Xander was also crying. I never saw him crying before. I had to fix this, somehow.

"Xander, you never called me or anything. I lost hope... I couldn't get you out of my head. I didn't know if you'd have it better at home or if your dad treated you like shit again. I was so worried. I tried to call you, I sent you like a thousand text messages, but you never replied."

"I'm sorry..." He whispered. "This is all my fault. But, my dad, he took everything away. My phone, laptop, television... I had to do all the chores at home and had to take care of my drunken father. You don't know how much I wanted to see you." He explained.

"I didn't know about that, Xander."

He chuckled, but I think, more sarcastic. "Well, now you know. And I came here for nothing, because my girlfriend doesn't love me anymore." He chuckled again and shook his head.

"No Xander, that's not true."

"But you told me." He protested.

"I'll do anything you want okay? I think there might be some feelings inside me, somewhere, hidden inside my heart." I let a slight smile come over my face, and he smiled too.

"Um, okay, well, what about we go out tonight? Just you and me? I'll pick you up at 7? I booked a hotel room when I came here, I just have to unpack everything and-" I interrupted him.

"Xander, what about you stay at mine for your time here in New York. We have plants of guest rooms."

He didn't respond with words, but with a kiss on the cheek. In this moment, I felt butterflies inside my stomach. I missed this feeling. I missed him.

We went back home, I showed Xander his room and let him unpack all his stuff.

We're we reunited again? Like we were before? Like, boyfriend and girlfriend?

A/n: Hi Xemma fans! I know it's been a while since I updated and I'm so sorry for that! A lot has happened in the last few weeks... Hope you like this chapter:)
Let me know what you think in the comments!

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now