Chapter 58: Not Your Fault

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Emma's POV:
A bright light met my eyes. I closed them immediately. The someone touched my hands and whispered
"She woke up!"

I whined from all the pain. My legs, arms, stomach; everything hurt like never before in my life.

I opened my eyes once again. After a few seconds, my eyes got used to the light.

"Oh my gosh.. Emma!" Xander squeezed my hands. Tears were filling his eyes.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked him, trying to remember why I was  lying in a hospital.

My boyfriend cleared his throat. "Well... You wanted to make it on time to the fashion show so badly, th-that you didn't see this car rushing down the street and it.."

I finished his sentence. "Hit me?"

Xander nodded. "I'm so sorry. If I would have been right behind you then-"

I shook my head no. "Don't say this Xander, okay? It's not your fault. It's mine."

"I could have protected you. But I didn't. I hate myself for this." Now tears were running down his cheeks and a sob escaped his mouth.

"Xander." I started to say, but once again, he interrupted.

"It's the truth."

"It's not your fault. It's not. No one had seen this coming, not you and not me. Look at me: I'm okay, I'm fine." I smiled at him and he let an unsure smile on his face.

"I didn't know what I had done if you-" he gulped.

"I survived, Xander. Please stop think so negative, alright? I'm just glad you're here right now. I feel a little dizzy." I looked at him, my headaches started to get worse.

"You want me to say here? Maybe you should take a nap?" Xandy Candy suggested.

I nodded. "Can you wait until I fall asleep?"

"Of course, Em. I love you so incredibly much." His thumb touched my cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered and closed my eyes. I felt him lying down next to me in the hospital bed and he held me in his arms.

Then I fell asleep, smiling.

A/n: Hello❤️ I haven't updated in a while, and I'm so unbelievably sorry for that.. It's just that a lot was going on in the last few months, so I hope you can forgive me.
I'll update as soon as possible😘

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now