Chapter 42: The 'first' conversation

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Emma's POV:
"Lou! Tell me!" I went back to the waiting room, where my best friend sat down and ate a donut.

"Um, Em, tell you what?" She was confused and took another bite of the donut.

"Lou. I'll ask you a question and you have to give me a serious answer. Now, were Xander and Hazel dating before I came to camp?" My voice was shaking and so did my whole body.

"Listen, Emma. I don't know how to explain this so it won't come out wrong..." Lou stood up and walked up to me.

"Were they dating or not?" I asked again.

Lou sighed and avoided eye-contact. She nodded.

"Oh my gosh..." Was all I could say. I thought he hated her?

"But... That's impossible, I mean, Xander hates Hazel. She's such so clingy and everything."

"Yeah, but, Hazel turned out to be a little bit too obsessed over him. And they-" my bff suddenly stopped talking.

"What? Why did you..." I turned around to see Hazel coming to us.

"As much as I hate to say this, but... Xander wants to see you, Emma." She explained.

"He wants to see me? But why-" I got interrupted by Lou.

"Just go." She smiled at me and pushed me in the direction of Xander's room.

I took a deep breath before entering.

"Hi..." I greeted him once again. He just smiled at me.

"Hey. I'm sorry for my girlfriend. You know, when she bursted into the room and so on. Did you want to tell me something?" His smile didn't fade away. And that was awkward. I mean, he technically talked to a stranger.

"Oh, uh... No. I mean, yes. I was just wondering if you're okay again." I stuttered.

Xander nodded. "Yeah. I'm quite fine, I guess. So, you're a friend of Lou? Emma, if I got that right?" He asked, I sat down on the chair next to his bed.

"Yes, I'm Emma. Lou, has told me a lot about you. And so did your g-girlfriend Hazel." I gulped while saying this.

"How nice of them! You're kind of a shy person, right? But that's no problem, I think that's cute." His smile grew wider and wider.

"Uh, thanks?" I blushed immediately.

"Well, if you need anything, here's my phone number." Xander handed me a paper with his number on it.

"Oh I already- I mean... Thank you." I smiled at him and took the paper.

"No problem. Emma... I heard of that name before..." He looked like he was thinking about my name.

Oh my gosh!

"SERIOUSLY?!... Oh, I mean, seriously?" I almost fell out of the chair.

He raised one finger up. "Oh, yeah, yeah, now I remember. Emma, Emma Watson." He spoke.

I sighed. Was it all hopeless?

Will he ever remember me again?

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now