Chapter 49: Snakes and other creatures

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Emma's POV:
I didn't know where to run. My thoughts of Xander and Lou controlled me. It was weird. Insane. I ran into the forests, I somehow knew that this wasn't the way to camp. I then heard something, sounding like...

I looked at the bottom, and there it was. A snake. A big, long, disgusting snake.

"Oh my gosh..." Was all I could say. The snake stared at me. It seemed like she was mad or something, because if I'd just move on inch, she would attack me.

Stay cool, Emma! There's absolutely nothing to fear, it's just a little snake...

I was in panic. My breathing got heavier than ever. The snake was right before my feet.

Okay, let's see... Positive things? Nothing. Negative things? I'm lost in the middle of nowhere, a snake is about to attack me and I'm about to freak out!

I moved. Probably the stupidest decision I've ever made. The snake attacked my left foot. The toxic was rushing into my it. I began to feel dizzy.

"NO! EMMA!" I heard someone shout behind me. All of a sudden someone pushed me away and started to attack the snake with a rock.

"Ugh, thanks god, it's gone!" I heard the person say, before turning back to me.

I recognized the person.

"X-Xander? Is that you?" I asked, I got bad headaches.

"Yeah, it's me! Oh my gosh what were you doing here? You know that campers are not allowed to enter this forest. Your foot. The snake attacked you, right? Let's get you back to camp." Xander said determined and was about to pick me up.

"Xander I'm fine, you don't have to carry me." I replied.

"I will." He said and picked me up.
"A doctor has to see this, Emma. It looks very bad."

"T-thanks for rescuing me." I whispered and snuggled up into the crook of his neck, even though I was still angry at him and Lou.

"Anything for you." Xander whispered. As soon as I heard him say that, I already fell asleep.


I woke up in my cabin. Xander, my siblings, Caleb and Lou were standing around my bed.

I looked at my foot to see a bandage covering it.

"What are you two doing here?" I glared at Xander and Lou, who looked just as worried as the rest.

"We came because we were worried about you, Em." Lou answered.

"Liar! You never really cared about me. You two were just making out behind my back!" The tears already filled my eyes.

"That's not true! Please, give us another chance to talk to you about it okay? I only love you, Emma Banana." Replied Xander and gave me a hug, before I could pull back.

I smelled his sweet scent of mint. He was so close yet so far away...

"Alright. One last chance. Today at 7 pm, here in my cabin, okay?" I suggested. Lou and Xander gave each other a high-five.

"Thank you, Emma! We promise, we will explain everything to you!" And before I knew, Lou involved me into a hug.

"Okay, okay, I think I'm gonna catch some sleep..." I yawned and they all went out.

And then, I already was in Neverland...

A/n: Hi! I know it's been a while since I updated, so I'm sorry for that! But the holidays are starting on Tuesday, so I'll try to post more regularly. Hope you like this chapter!:)

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now