Chapter 22: Say what now?!

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Emma's POV:
The next day I went over with my Spanish book to Xander's cabin. I wasn't really looking forward to it. I lost the hope for Xander asking me out.

Knock. Knock.

There he was, smiling all over his face.

"Emma! Glad you could make it." He hugged me.

"Yeah." Was all I could say.

"Let's get over with this..." I mumbled, and thought he wouldn't hear it.

"What was that?" Xander asked confused, while he sat down on his bed.

"Nothing" I quickly replied and sat down next to him.

1 hour later•

Xander was right. He really was terrible in Spanish.

"Let's make a break." He suggested.

"Yes, sounds great. I need fresh air. Excuse me, please." I went out off the cabin.

I wanted to be alone. Just for a few minutes.

"Em." Xander went after me.

"What?" I muttered.

"I don't know. You were so quiet in there and absentminded.

"Was I?" I replied. I know I was.

"You're mad at me. Aren't you?" Xander said in a serious voice.

"No, not at all."

"Yes you are. You kinda ignored me in there. What's going on? You can tell me anything." He smiled and took my hand gently into his.

"Let's get to studying again." I let go off his hand and entered the cabin again.

"So where were we? Page 23, right?" I opened the text book, but Xander closed it quickly.

"What the-" he cut me off.

"Emma. Talk to me. Maybe I can help you?"

"You can't. I think I should go." I was about to leave, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him again.

"Xander. Why the heck are you hugging me?" He literally pressed me against his chest, rubbing my back.

"I like you. I really do." He whispered into my hair. Awkward. And he was lying.

"No you don't. If so, you would have asked me." I replied, a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"What? What are you talking about?" Xander let go of the hug.

"Oh please, as if you don't know! I'm talking about the dance night. Everyone has got a date. And I thought you... I just thought you would ask me. But never mind. You probably asked Hazel." I said, standing up.

"Emma, I didn't ask you because you're going with Caleb, aren't you?" Now Xander stood up too.

"How can you think that?"

"How can you think that I would go with Hazel?"

"So you're not going with Caleb? I just thought that, because I saw him walking out of your cabin yesterday." Xander explained.

"No, he didn't ask me. And besides, my answer would be 'no' "

"Really? Why? He was your boyfriend."

"Yes. He was my boyfriend. And that's 2 years ago.

"So, now that we know we haven't got a date to the dance night... And I planned to ask you, but because of those misunderstandings... Well, Emma, would you like to go to the dance night with me?" Xander let an unsure smile on his face, and I could saw that he blushed. A lot.

"No." Was my answer.

"Uh, what?" He asked confused.

"I wouldn't like to. I would love to be your date." I grinned and he laughed in relieve.
Xander pulled me into a long, tight hug.

Finally, he asked me. I thought he would never ask. But he did. And I'm like the happiest girl on earth.

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now