Chapter 37: Halloween

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Emma's POV:
"Well, hello Cinderella." Greeted Xander when he walked into my cabin.

"Prince Charming! Looking good like always." I replied, holding back a smirk.

"So, can we go?" I asked, and already headed towards the door.

"But, Cinderella! Not yet, of course!" Xander shook his head.

"Why not?"

"Look at your shoes, duh! I mean, you do look stunning in those high-heels, but please replace them with this pair of shoes." Xander pulled out shoes made of glass. Literally. Just like the ones in the movies.

"H-How did you get those?" I mumbled. I've never seen such so beautiful shoes before. Just wow.

"May I?" He asked. I nodded, smiling over my whole face. He let slid the shoes on my feet. They fit just perfectly.

"Now we can go." My boyfriend opened the door for me and we went out to the camp fire.

Gladys began a little speech.

"Campers! What wonderful costumes you all are wearing. Speechless! So the plan for tonight is, have fun, of course! And also, because it's Halloween, we'll play a little game. Let's call it... A competition."

A few campers were happy to hear that, and confidence filled up in them, even if they didn't know what to do yet.

"So, you will build up teams of 2 people. Head out into the woods, and go to the Haunted Hut. You have to find the golden ring, which I didn't steal from my 4th ex." Gladys cleared her throat and clapped in her hands.

"You have 4 hours. Now go!" She announced.

"Emma, wanna go in there with me? I mean, I won't let anything bad happen to you, of course. I'm your protector." Xander smiled and lied one arm around me.

"I'd love to! Now c'mon!" We made our way to the Haunted Hut.

When we entered it, I already heard a scream.

"Are you scared?" Xander whispered and immediately pulled me closer to him.

"No. Not at all." I replied. Okay, maybe it wasn't that true.

Xander and I went down a long, long corridor and ended up entering the last door of all.

It was dark inside the room. Xander pulled out his flashlight.

"A clown!" I yelled.

"Hey, it's just a clown, Em!" Xander giggled.

"Just a clown!? Eddie the clown wasn't just a clown, Xander! He- He chased me inside my nightmares. Almost for two years!" My breathing got heavier, and all the memories of this stupid clown came up in me again.

"Okay, uh, I don't know who Eddie the clown was, but-" I interrupted him.

"Eddie was a clown, duh! A creepy clown!"

Just then, Xander kissed me right on the lips.

"Feeling better now?"

"A lot. Thank you, Xandy Candy! Speaking of candy, do you think they've got candy over here?" I smirked.

"I am candy!" Xander smirked back.

"Yeah, that's a point. Your lips taste like chocolate. Have you eaten anything without me?" I pouted.

"No?" He bursted out in laughter.

"Well then." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, maybe the ring is over here-" I couldn't finish the sentence. Not only, because Eddies twin was staring at me like hell, but because I fell.

"Emma! Oh my goodness, are you okay?!" Xander shouted. I was in a basement or something.

Clearly, I was not okay. I fell on glass. Broken glass.

"No, I-I am not. I... I fell on glass! Which is broken, by the way." I whined in pain.

"No worries, I'll get you out of there!" Just a few seconds later, he was sitting right next to me. Gladly, he didn't fell on any glass.

"Oh no! Y-Your foot! It's bleeding!" Xander was shocked. Just like I was.

"It will be okay somehow...." I mumbled.

I suddenly recognized breathing against my neck.

"Xander, stop with that!"

"Stop with what?" He clearly was confused.

"Breathing against my neck." I answered.

"I am not." Was his reply.

"Then who..." I slowly turned around.

"Hello campers!" Greeted us Caleb.

No... Oh come on!

"What the heck are you doing here?" Xander made fists.

"The same like you do. I'm searching that ring."

"Well, why would you think it would be here?" I asked.

"Because I know, it is, Princess." Caleb smirked.

"Call her Princess one more time, then-" Xander warned.

"Boys! There it is! I've found the ring!" The ring was lying under a carpet.

"Great!" Caleb smiled and was about to grab it.

"Hey. Why would you get this ring. We've found it, Caleb!" Xander argued.

"Yeah, Xander's right. Give it us." I added. Caleb hesitated for a few seconds.

"Alright. But, only because I like you so incredibly much, Em." Caleb gave in.

"Seriously? You're giving in?" Xander and I said at the same time.

"See you at camp." And with that, Caleb was already gone.

"Easier that we thought, hm?" My boyfriend grinned.

"Okay, let's go. I think I'm gonna need some rest." I suggested.

Xander picked me up like bridal style and we made our way back to camp.

"Happy to announce the winners of our little competition!" Gladys began.

"The winners are... Emma and Xander! Congratulations!"

The campers applauded us.

"And your price is" Gladys continued. "Chocolate! Yay!"

Xander and I both grinned.

"So I'll have the pleasure to taste more of your delicious chocolate lips?" I smiled at Xandy Candy.

"But yeah! I'll make my lips extra chocolately for my Emma Banana." He pulled me close to him, and planted a soft kiss on my cheek, before grabbing half of the chocolate and began to eat it.

That's my Xandy Candy...

A/n: Finally, the Halloween chapter is up! Yay! Hope you all like it! Lysm!

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now