Chapter 59: At home

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Emma's POV:
When I woke up, I was lying in my bed. In my room. I was at home.

"Xander?" I whispered. I looked around. No Xander to be seen.

"Ugh." I grumbled and cover the sheets over my head.

"Knock knock beautiful." I heard a familiar voice and automatically smiled.

I wanted to stand up but my boyfriend rushed over to me.
"You're not supposed to get out of bed, Em. You're not allowed to. Just rest."

"I don't want to rest. I'm fine." I replied.

"Em." Xander's look turned into a serious one.

"Please don't make me stay in bed all day."

"All day? More like 1 week." He replied.

My eyes widened. "No no no!" I pouted.

"You just got hit by a car. Don't be silly. You have to rest."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You ain't fun."

Xander gently kisses my forehead. "I'm your boyfriend. I care about you."

His words let me melt. "So... Here's your breakfast, Emma Banana."

He handed me a tablet with fruits and just delicious things on it.

"Aw thank you. I'm starving." I ate everything up in 5 minutes. Oops.

"My tummy hurts." I whined. Xander chuckled.

"My poor Emmy. Doesn't know when it's enough." He grinned at me and started rubbing circles on my stomach.

"You should sleep a bit." He stood up and made his way out the door without saying something more.

I drifted to sleep, only dreaming of my Xandy Candy.

A/n: Lame chapter, aye I'm so sorry:(

Xemma (A BUNK'D ff) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now