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"Here you go!" The doctor said handing us Cecelia, "she is beautiful!"
"Thank you!" I said still out of breath. Then I looked down at my beautiful little girl. "Hey Cece I'm your mommy and this is your daddy!" I said pointing to Ty. She was gorgeous she had brown hair and my eyes and Ty's nose and his lips she is just perfect. Then she grabbed Ty's thumb it was adorable.
"My girls." Ty said kissing the top of my head.
"Can you go get Rachel?" I asked. Then Ty was off to get her. She walked in and came over to me and Cecelia. I scooted over in the bed so she could lay down with us. Rachel laid down.
"How was it?" She asked.
"Painful, but worth it." I said understanding she was talking about labor. Then I handed her Cece. "I wanted to ask you something."
"Shoot!" She said.
"Me and Ty wanted to know if you and Victor would be Cecelia's god parents." I asked.
"Hell yeah!" She blurted out.
"Rachel!" I said gesturing to Cecelia. Then we started to laugh.
"Sorry!" She said between giggles. "I would love to be her God parent!"
"Yay, did you hear that Cece?" I said looking at the little bundle in my best friends arms. Then she cooed it was so cute.
"Aww!" Me and Rachel said at the same time. She was so cute and I couldn't wait to see Rachel's baby. They could be best friends.
"I can't wait for you to have yours!" I said to Rachel.
"I can't wait too!" She said.
"Are kids can be best friends!" We said at the same time. Both are kids are going to be cute just like us and their fathers.
"She is beautiful Haley!" She said.
"I know!" Was all I could say.
"She looks just like you." Rachel said.
"And Ty!" I said.
"Yeah, but mainly like you!" She said. Then we both started to laugh.
"What do you want to have?" I asked her.
"A baby maybe an alien!" She said making us bust into laughter. Then she Cece in her little cart bed thing, so she could sleep and we tried to be quiet.
"I meant girl or boy!" I said.
"I don't know." She said, "I haven't had that much time to get used to the idea."
"That's understatement of the year." I said.
"I'm hungry, how about you?" She asked.
"Yeah me too!" I said.
"I will get the boys to go get us food!" She said hopping off of the hospital bed and running out the door. She then came back, "what do you want to eat?"
"Food!" I said. Then she left closing the door really loud causing Cecelia to start crying. I got up and got her and sat back down on the bed.
"Shhh, mommy is here your ok, shhh." I said rocking her back and forth. She then stopped crying and fell back asleep so I got up and put her back in the little bed thingy. Then I got back in my bed and fell asleep.

(1 hour later)

"Haley wake up babe we got food." Ty said in my ear. I opened my eyes and pulled him in for a kiss.
"Finally where have you been?" I asked.
"In the waiting room with Victor then at your favorite food place." He said.
"Thank you, and next time don't leave for that long I missed seeing you sexy!" I said slapping his butt as he turned around and got my food.
"Here you go gorgeous!" He said then I scooted over so he could sit down. Then Rachel and Victor came in with their food.
"Can we join you?" Then asked together quietly.
Me and Ty looked at each other like we had to think then we fake whispered to each other. "I guess!" We said with puff of breath like it was hard for us to say. Making us all laugh, but not to loud. We didn't want to wake the baby.

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