Bow Wow

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Today we had a party to celebrate Zero's bday the party is a little late though as we have had him more than a year. We didn't have time to celebrate due to the birth of the baby. His true birthday was three months ago. Oh well, close enough. We still love him though so we are having this party and for some reason Ty wants another dog. We are still discussing this option, but due to our little secret that probably won't be happening that soon. (Author: Do you know the secret?)
"Ty are we going to tell everyone today?" I ask Ty as we get ready.
"I don't know, we might want to wait for a little while longer." He replied.
"Ok, I just can't wait!" I say.
"Nether can I babe, but shh someone might hear you." He says winking.
"Who might hear me!?!" I said teasingly.
"You don't need to fear darling I will protect you!" He says and leaps towards me.

-2 hours later-

"Babe hurry the baby is crying!" I yell as we get redressed.
"Ok ok, daddy's coming baby girl don't cry it's ok!" He said jogging out. We need to hurry our guest will be here any minute. We have a bunch of our friends coming. And I still have to make food, damn it!
"Damn it, babe i forgot about the food!" I scream across the house.
"It's fine just order something!" He yelled back.
"Thanks babe you're a genius! I love you!" I yell back. I get my phone out and order Chinese food, my favourite. He comes back into our bedroom with Cecelia in his arms. He hands her to me.
"What did you order, Chinese food?" He asks.
"Da, what else is there!?!" I mocked.
"I'm sorry your highness, I didn't mean to offend ye!" He said bowing.
"Don't let it happen again!" I said going along with him.
"Oh yes your highness never again I promise!" He said back.
"Good!" I said kissing the top of his head.
"Thank you for your forgiveness your highness!" He said.
"No problem, but it doesn't come free, the princess has a dirty diaper and you are to change it!" I said back to him. He takes Cecelia from me, a diaper, and wipes.
"As you wish!" He said walking out of the room, off to change Cecelia's daughter.

The door bell rung and I ran to get it. I let the guest in and the first thing that Zero did was run up and greet all the guest. We had a great time and partied the night away, but I didn't drink.

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