Graduation & House Hunting

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"You ready to go?" Ty yelled from down stairs.
"Yeah, but can we get something to eat?" I asked coming down stairs.
"Sure!" He said. Today was my big day I was graduating. I was excited, but didn't really want to go. I was always having to pee and was always hungry. I wasn't moody anymore though which was good because one time I had gotten so mad at Ty. All he did was sneeze and not cover his nose. Yeah I know don't judge it was the hormones. Now everything was fine though I just didn't want to go. Ty could tell me to go all he wanted, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to fight him. "Let's go!" He said leaning over and giving me a kiss.
"Fine!" I said.
"I'll be there cheering on this hot girl." He said winking at me.
"Don't call me hot." I said. "I'm sexy like you."
"Yes you are." He said slapping me on the butt. Then he went out to the car. We stopped at a Waffle House and ate then went to the graduation ceremony. "Have fun." He said walking off to take a seat in the front row. I walked over to Rachel.
"How's the little person?" She asked looking at my stomach.
"Wishing it wasn't here, but we're good all of us." I said giving her a hug. "How are you and Victor?"
"Great!" She said excited. "I think he is going to propose soon!"
"That's great!" I said actually happy for her. She had always talked about getting married someday and having kids.
"When is your doctors appointment for the sex of the baby?" She asked.
"Next week!" I said happy she asked. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all. I had had fun talking to my best friend in the entire world. She was always there for me and I don't know what I would do without her.
"Haley!" She said snapping me out of my thoughts. "They called your name go!" I ran up and got my certificate and walked off the stage. Ty hugged and congratulated me.
"I love you!" I said.
"I love you too, and you little one." He said all sweet as usual. I loved him so much more than I could say out load. He was so dreamy and sweet. Mainly he was just so kind. He was always there for me and he never gets mad at me. Today he had talked me into going to something that I hadn't wanted to go to, but enjoyed a lot. I can't wait to be with him for the rest of my life. He was going to get me to try new things and have fun. We had finally found us a house too and we were to go to look at it tomorrow.

(The next day)


"Baby get up we need to leave in a few minutes I already set your clothes out. All you have to do is put them on!" I yelled up the stairs to Ty. I heard a crash. I ran up the stairs to see Ty on the floor tangled up in the covers. I helped him up after taking a picture of him and laughing. He had a cut on his leg. I ran and got him a bandage and put it on his cut. He then frowned because it was a Dora band-ade. "You look cute!" I said.
"Shut up!" He said standing up. He then out on his pants and shirt. I went downstairs and held his shoes out and he grabbed then as he passed.
"I will be in the car hurry up!" I said grabbing the keys and walking out the door.

(At the house)


"It's beautiful!" I said getting out of the car.
"Yes it is." Ty said.
"Let's get it." I said.
"Let's look at the inside first." He said. I nodded we walked in the house it was perfect. It had everything that we wanted. Me and Ty looked at each other and nodded. Then he called the realistate agent. He told her that we wanted the house. Then began the process to get our house.

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