Stop Fighting!

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I slept a couple of hours and when I woke up it was about time for Ty to be home. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen to check on the roast I had put in the croak pot the night before. It looked nice and brown, so it had cooked in time for dinner. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Rachel holding Cece and Ty's dad looking in photo albums.
"Having fun you two?" I asked. They both looked over. I couldn't help to notice the mad look on Ty's dad's face. I just shook it off.
"We are fine." said Rachel.
"Hey you staying for dinner?" I asked her.
"Sure!" she said exited to eat some roast. The smell was all throughout the house.
"How are you Mark?" I asked Ty's dad.
"Fine." He said trying to sound happy. Just then we heard the lock turn at the front door. I grabbed Cece from Rachel and ran over to the front door. The door opened and in came Ty. He gave me and the baby a kissed then went and hugged Rachel.
"Congrats on the whole pregnant thing." He said to her. She gave me a dirty look. I just shrugged. "Victor told me today." He said. Then she smiled at him and then gave me an apologetic look. I just nodded at her.
"Hey son." Mark said.
"Hey dad." Ty said awkwardly. I looked at him worried. I just gave me a small smile.
"I will be right back I'm going to put the baby down for a nap." I said motioning for Rachel to come with me.
"I will help you." She said running after me.
We got to the baby's room I put Cece in her bed.
"What's going on with them?" Rachel asked me.
"I don't know." I said trying not to be too loud. Then we heard yelling.
"She's a gold digger she doesn't love you, you pathetic little shit!" Yelled Mark. Then we heard punches being thrown. Me and Rachel ran in there as fast as we could. Mark had just punched Ty in the face. I ran over.
"Get off of him stop fighting, STOP!!!" I yelled at him. Then I was backhanded by Mark. That's when ever Rachel ran back in the room with a knife and pointed it at him.
"You just made a big mistake I suggest you leave now!!!" She said to him. He got up and left slamming the door. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I could hear Rachel yelling at Ty. Then she was at the door to the bathroom that I was leaning on.
"Haley open the door." She said.
"No!" I said you could hear the pain in my voice.
"Please!" She begged. I then stood up and unlocked the door. I went over to the mirror and looked at the mirror I had a black eye and a cut on my lip. Rachel looked at me, but from the angle she was at she couldn't see it.
"Haley look at me." She said I turned and looked at her. She gasped, "I'm going to kill him!" She said lighting the towels on fire. I then turned on the sink and put out the fire with the water.
"Calm down!" I said as she stormed out of the house giving Ty a dirty look. He was bloody and bruised. He looked at me and saw the tears streaming down my face.
"Haley, I'm sorry." He said I ran to Cecelia's room and packed her a bag then I went and packed me one. I then put them  in the car.
"Haley stop don't go." He begged as I buckled Cecelia into her car seat. Then I hopped in my seat and I drove off to a hotel. I layed down Cecelia and she fell asleep in no time. I changed into pajamas and sat on the floor. I was thinking about how it wasn't Ty's fault then it hit me it was both of their fault. And because they couldn't just stop fighting I got hurt and if I had had Cece in my arms she would have been hurt too. I couldn't stop thinking about the thing Ty's dad yelled. How was I a gold digger, I love Ty I'm not there for his money. I have my own money. Then I just stopped thinking about it and crawled into the bed and went to sleep.

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