The Next Morning...

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I woke up at 9am with my face still on Ty's chest he was breathing peacefully, so I got up off the bed to try to go to the bathroom without waking him. So I carefully removed his arm from my waist. Then I creeped out of my room and into the bathroom. Went to the bathroom did all the normal things then came back to a sexy and half sleep Ty. He looked over at me then he gave me this confused look. He asked in a cute whisper, "Are you checking me out?"
"Maybe." I said back playfully. Then he lifted him self off the bed and met me where I stand leaning against the door way. He then leaned close to me and said, "Well now who is the one checking someone out."
I looked straight into his eyes and said, "Me." Then I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He sat there enjoying the kiss as we heard someone clear their throat behind us. We then pulled apart to see a very shocked Rachel.
She said, "Wait one minute so I can go get the camera so then we can start the porno." I gave Rachel a really dirty look then she walked off. I apologized to Ty for what she had said.
He then turned to me and asked, "What happened between you guys just two days ago you were best friends and now you want to kill her."
"We had a fight about the whole double date thing." I said quietly to were it was barely recognizable.
"I'm sorry." He said hugging me.
"It's fine I'm fine I just wish everyone would stop worrying about the little things." I said back to him.
He then looked down at my broken hand, "Did she do that to your hand!" His face glowing with anger.
"No, I hit the table!" I said back to him grabbing his now calm hands. He look me in the eyes as he kissed me.
Then he said, "I would have hurt her if she had done that to you! I love you too much to sit back and let her hurt you it would kill me to know that she had done that to just because you weren't happy about a double date that would just be stupid!" I lead him back into my room where we just hanged out and read a few stories and just sat together and talk because now I was even more positive that this was the guy I was meant to be with. He didn't have to leave that night so he just spent the night again holding me incase of any nightmares. He was so caring and I hope to never let him go and he is also convincing me to talk to Rachel tomorrow so we can work things out because he doesn't want are friendship to end over some stupid disagreement.

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