~9~El Juegos De Tarjeta

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(Btw, the title means the card games in Spanish.)


Yami: by the way, Tristan's dead.

Joey: aw, not again!


Yami: now I activate Reborn the monster to resurrect Tristan's original voice!

Tristan with his original voice: hey, what gives? I liked my new voice! People were starting to take me seriously!

Yami: sorry Tristan but it's much easier to make fun of you this way.


Joey: wait a second, why are there two Yugis?

Yugi: I'm not sure; but sometimes, when I'm dueling, it's like I can feel a powerful voice inside my head that's telling me how to win.

Tristan: does that mean you've been cheating?!

Yugi: well it's more complicated then that...

Joey: sounds like cheating to me, Yug'.

Yugi: it's not cheating! It's more like we have a spiritual connection that goes far beyond any-

Joey: hey big Yugi! Has little Yugi been cheating this whole time?

Yami: *nods*


Yami Bakura: soon I'll be the only character left! I've always wanted my own show; I think I'll call it Zorc and Pals.


Joey: please don't kill me... I have 3 friends, kill them instead!


Ryou Bakura: I have to say, that plot line made a lot more sense then the original manga.

Yugi: where did you get that evil ring from, Bakura?

Ryou: my father got it for me from Egypt when he went to purchase some blue hair dye.

(I HAVE RETURNED! I'm so sorry for the wait, but I have been very stressed out lately. I'm not sure why... But hopefully I'll be updating a lot more now. Ps, Ryous father has REALLY blue hair!)

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