What's Love

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Today Forrest and his girlfriend invited my mom, and I for brunch. My mom and I haven't talked since she came over my place and yelled at me.  I got up, did my hygiene and put on my clothes. I grabbed my phone, and Timberlands. I went downstairs putting my boots the get to leave.

I haven't talked to Nia today, but I know that her and I shouldn't go further than just as Jay's parents. I dont love her and I can't force myself to. It was just a fling nothing more.

I finally made it to my brother's place hopping out the car and onto his pathway. My mother's car was already here so I knew that was a heads up.

I knocked on the door, as he opened it a few moments later. "My nigga." He said as we dapped. I walked in on good smelling food. We got to the kitchen as I seen my mother and Forrest's girlfriend. She haven't noticed me yet but I didn't wanna speak knowing she was going to yell at me and be right.

She turned around and looked at me in curiosity. "Oh you came? No baby mama drama today?" She asked annoyingly.

"No ma."

"When am I going to meet my grandson?"

"Soon. Sometime." I said as she helped Forrest's girlfriend with the brunch.

Forrest brought in Adien which made me think about Jay. I should have brought him, but I wasn't thinking. As I was smiling at Adien, a text appeared on my phone.

Nia- Can you watch Jay like right now an emergency came up.

Trey- Yea, is everything okay?

Nia- Yea no ones hurt.

Trey- I'll be there in 15.

After finishing my last texts and thoughts I got up.

"I gotta go pick up Jayden, Nia want me to watch him since an emergency came up imma be back." I told them heading out.
Forrest nodded while playing with A.I got in my car and drove to Nia's.


When I pulled up to Nia's I got out and went inside. "Okay, I gotta go but here is his baby bag and a list of things he needs, what helps him." She said as I picked him up.

I grabbed his bag, and the list. We all walked out as she got in her car. I strapped and buckeled Jay in, as he played with his stuffed animal.


Then getting Jay out the car and walking up Forrest's place again. Jay looked so lost and confused but cutely. That's my boy.

I finally made it inside as I carried him to the island. The food still wasn't done. Plus I'm starving. I should've got some Wendy's. I took my shoes off and put his bag Down.

"This is uncle Forrest, Auntie and Nanna." I said as he gave me a look as in 'where my mama'.

"Hi Jayden I'm Unc. The cool nigga." Forrest big headed ass said. Jayden still looked like everyone had 13 heads, unless he was sleepy and didn't want to be bothered.

"Hi Nanna's other baby?" She cooed as she tried holding him. By then he started fussing for me. I took him and cradled his back as Forrest brought in A.

After Jay stopped whinning, Forrest and I held Jay and A close to each other. They looked very similar to each other, like Forrest and I do. Second generation Kings.


I was satisfied. Forrest's girlfriend and my mama really put down. That food was good. I might just take a 'to go' plate.

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