Calling Her Alone

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After giving him his grand prize or dessert again. We didn't go to sleep until 4am in the morning. I love making love with Trey, he's so gental and knows what he's doing. Then again he invented it.

I leaned up and found my phone on the floor, I don't know how it got there so I picked it up. It was dead so I took Trey's charger since I couldn't find mine. I plugged my phone up.

Then I kissed Trey's neck and lips softly to wake him. "Mhm...." He said awaking. "Get up sleepy head." I say, as he turns the other direction to avoid getting up.

Climbingon top of him flipping him over and started grinding on him. Note that we're still naked. He grunts and guides my hips as I moan.

"Trigga..." I say in his ear as his eyes pop open. Then a big ass smile appears.

I get off of him and walks to the bathroom as he follows. He grabs my waist pulling me.

"Trey stop it." I say, but he continues and bites my neck.

I finally found resistance and pull away from him.


After our shower we just cuddle downstairs in the living room eating pineapples.

"What happened between your mom and sister." I ask as he chews his food.

"Every since my sis got pregnant at a young age my mom been ashamed of her so she ran away. 5 years later she has the twins but they haven't spoke since then so it was tense in here." He replied.



4 hours later, Trey went to the studio while I sit here doing nothing. I decied to call my team and manger if there still willing to give me another chance.

I dialled Kandy my manger as she answers on the third ring.

"Hello Kandy...?" I say nervously.


"Yeah. I was wondering if I could talk to you maybe lunch in a hour."

"Umm Sure I guess."

"Okay we can meet up at Pinex's."

"Alright bye."

I said bye and hung up. I go upstairs and find my skinny jeans, and nice top. I getting dressed and then receive a text from Trey. I giggled at the name he put in.

Papi Trigga - We finished 2 songs already! :)

Myself-  that's great baby.

After I finished texting I drove to Pinex's. She wasn't there yet so I still had time to relax. For some reason I was nervous. Maybe because I kind of quit my job after everything went down hill.

I sat at a booth and waited for Kandy to arrive. Soon she came in, and found me. She had an unreadable expression on her face so I don't know what that meant.

"Hey Kandy."

"Hey Kera." She replied nonchalantly.

"So what did you wannt talk about?"

I nervously swallow my fear as she looks at me waiting for my response.

"Oh. Yeah I was wondering if I could still be a client of yours?" I ask,

"Um I don't know... After you left unexpectedly I had women waiting for your position. I'm all booked up with too many models currently to refill your position to you." She says.

"Oh okay that's fine." I said a tab bit hurt.

"You know I would but it's just too late." I nod as she gets up. Something about everything she said was iffy. If I wasn't directed to go back to her than that meant something bigger and better was coming my way than her job.

As I sat there a little disappointed and happy I order my food to go and leave the place.

I got to my hotel to get all my things and into my car. Taking about an hour. I start the ignition and head to Tremaine's house. I put in his code to his gate as my phone rungs to an unknown number calling. I ignored it parking behind Trey's Ferrari. Instead the number calls again as I answered it annoyed.

"Is this Kera?" I dark deep voice asks, as I lie.

"No this isn't my I take a message."

"Just tell her to watch her back. That little singing nigga ain't gonna be here for her for long." The voice say then I hang up immediately.

Who is that? I don't know. Why me? I don't know. I got out a little uneasy as I grab my purse and food. I quickly head to the door and unlock it walking in.

I set my food in the refrigerator and lock the door walking upstairs to Trey's king size bed. Usualy Trey can be quick, or an overnighter in his studio sessions. He's working really hard so I don't wanna disturb him.

Finding my strawberry Dove soap body wash and bar soap, I prepare water for a bath. I set a little soft classic music; SVW's weak to ease my mind, then I and strip my clothes.

I grab my phone and head in the idealistic relaxing warm water. I relax my mind at ease. I sink a little bit more wishing Trey was in here with my holding me, or touching me. I slightly close my eyes as the song goes off. Just then I feel movement in the water and notice it's Trey. I seen his 9 inch friend hanging out looking sexy.

I smile brightly as he comes closer to me. He gets behind me as I rest my head on his tattooed chest. His hands Rome my breasts as he squeezing them and showing them attention. His lips hit my neck as he holds me. I rest my head in the crook of his neck laying there thinking about the Stupid unkown caller earlier. Trey notices my face as he frowns.

"You alright?" He asks.

I look up at him debating if I should tell him or not. I think I know who that sick psycho person is but I don't want him to worry.

"Um Y-Yeah..." I say.

"Lie again." He says looking at me.

"Trey I-Im fine."

"So you not gon' tell me. After everything we been through you still keeping secrets." He says hurt and starts to move to the other end of the tub. I feel his eyes on me as I shut my eyes sighing.

A few tears come down as more unwanted thoughts and memories come to my head.

"Today, I got a unknown number calling me saying watch my back and you not gonna be here for me all that bullshit. And I don't wanna talk about it." I reply as I open my eyes. He staring at me hard, long and upset.

"So you was gonna keep that from me?" He grows irritated.

I don't answer instead I move toward him getting in between his legs hugging him. I wrap his arms around me crying harder. I kiss his chest whispering.

"Please Don't leave me... I love you Tremaine." I mumbeled as he hugs tighter.

"I love you too."


After we bathed we got out as I put his shirt on he had laid out for him. I grab my underwear as he looks at me worried. He slips his briefs on as I hug him.

"Its gonna be okay. How about tomorrow we go out. Like a club I got a free pass to some club and I think we both need some fresh air and good vibes."

I nod as he kisses my forehead. We lay on the bed as I lay on her hard, sexy, dreamful chest. Everything gonna be alright. Give it to God! I say a slightly prayer as I drift to sleep.


Comment and Vote (☆) please.  I'd appreciate it. What do you think will happen next, and who's the caller? Excuse mistakes.

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