End This Madness

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L: so you're going to sacrifice your life to kill little old me? I didn't think you thought of me so highly. Or of yourself so little.

S; believe me, its not just you I'm getting rid of *he mocked*

H: say, where's that girl gone?

S: hmm?

H: i heard her shout Lestrade's name not so long ago

L: *eyes widen* *thinking: shit! Not Molly!* *calmly says* she's probably long gone.

L: *thinking: please be talking about sally. God don't let molly be here!*

H: shame, i wanted to congratulate her on have such a fanatic policeman on her side

L: *raises eyebrow* why are you doing this Sherlock? You never do anything like this unless there is some type of benefit. Or did you just get bored again?

S: bored really *waves goodbye with his left hand, hacker following suit*

*loud banging is heard and dust and clouds off moisture are sent into the air, all around Scotland Yard, even through the morgue*

M: *runs in the building* GREG! GREG! WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OK?!!

L: *coughing* second fucking time.... I'M OK... I'M IN MY OFFICE!!

*when the dust clears nothing is harmed in th office, a couple of supplies on the floor but everyone is unharmed, just ears ringing*

S: *choke-holding h* now lestrade! 

H: T-Traitor!!! *he yells out through his breathes*

L: *punches H in face, and pulls out handcuffs and cuffs H* you are under arrest for, well a shit ton of things!

S: good, I suppose.. *pulls out trigger button*

L: why are you bringing out that fucking thing again?!

S: *takes bite out of disk* what? I was hungry *he says with his mouth full*

L: *looks at S in shock* that thing was pointless?!

S: not pointless, it's a snack! *he proudly takes another bite out of the cookie*

L: *mumbles* I will never fucking understand the pure craziness that comes out of your mind

M: *runs in office, out of breath* They... Wouldn't let me... In... But Sally let me... Through... What the Hell happened?!?!

S: an alkali metal bang

S: that is what happened *noms rest of cookie*

H: you mean * he says dumbfounded* there was no explosion?

S: did you not hear me? *he says aggravated*  I said it was an alkali metal bang.

M: which metal did you used? Potassium?

S: sodium and cesium actually, gives more of a flare to everything. *he makes a gesture with his hands*

S: and an increasing chance of severe burns on the skin

M: ...nice.

L: now I got to explain this to the rest of the yard. *pulls out radio*

S: well, I'll be leaving then, i have to meet with John for fish and chips *turns and exits building while Lestrade is distracted*

L: code black is over, I repeat, code black is over. Sherlock returned to the light, our criminal is in cuffs.


John sends a text out to Molly

J: molly?

J: are you ok?

M: I'm good. Greg is too. They got the criminal in cuffs.

L: *hugs molly* It's good to see your ok, but now I got to get this press report ready with no help from holmes. But first, *kisses Molly lightly on the lips* I got to get this crazy behind bars. *grabs H and leads him to a jail cell*

L: Now, what did you say about moriarty?

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