Small talk is not easy

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S: *he calls Molly*

M: *answers* Hello?

S: Molly!

M: *rolls eyes* what?*she responds*
S: I may have accidentally asked John... Out...
M: Wait what?! You did what?!
S: I may have accidentally asked John... Out
S: you know... Out
M: *smiles broadly* ok ok, but you better give the details of how do you "accidentally" asked him out
S: *sighs* must I?
M: yes
S: very well... We were on a case and while John was investigating a body I- sorta asked him
S: given he may have been saying yes to the questions the inspector was saying... And focusing on the body.... And I may have been talking to his back- but all the same
M: did he say anything about it afterwards?
S: no... I told him to meet me at a restaurant down the street at 7 ish
M: want me to text him to clarify?
S: it would be best not to
M: ok... So what are you so worked up about?
M: need fashion advice?
S: no... its just i need help in human interaction
M: ya mean... Small talk?
S: if thats what you want to call it
M: well umm, how much time do we have for me to give you a crash course?
S: about.... 2 hours
M: hmm, that might be just enough... Well here we go a crash course on the most awkward thing in existence, other than laughing at your grandma's funeral.
S: did you really do that? Not even I would do that.
M: what? No! It was a joke! To lighten the mood!
S: poor molly, your just as bad as I am
M: *sigh*
S: moving on
M: ok so small talk, main thing about it is be yourself. He already like you for who you are. You don't need to pretend to be someone you're not to gain his attention. Dates are for two people to get to know each other better!
S: i see... anything else?
M: now remember to listen to what he's saying, small talk is very give and take. Listen just as much as you talk.
S: hmmm..
M: and when you're asking questions, keep them open ended. find not only the facts that you so love, but the emotions too.
S: *nods head, but doesn't say anything into the phone*
M: now this situation is different from most first dates cause you guys know each other really well. so casual conversation where trivial info is exchanged means nothing. You want to show you are interested in him so open ended questions are awesome because they show you care
S: can you give an example?
M: hmmm... What do you think of this person on, what ever show or book you both like
M: or even go simple like, how was your day and branch from there
S: oh
M: you can also talk about friends and family too, or even politics or the news, but it's a tough subject.
M: and it's good to give compliments, especially at the beginning of the conversation
S: how do those work?
M: compliments?
S: yes...
M: well it makes the other person feel really good. It make you feel like they really notice that you dressed up for them.
S: ..... are you telling me that I don't dress nicely?
M: no! It's just most try a little harder to impress they're date
M: it shows you care about their opinion of you
S: you are criticizing the way I dress
M: i never mentioned they way you dressed! You dress perfectly fine!
S: hmmm, your a terrible liar Molly
M: *sigh* I'm just going to say you're nervous and taking it out on me
S: I am not nervous, I am...- hyper
M: you're nervous! Aww!
S: My reactions are just driven by the production of hormones and that equips me to fight or escape from situations that are dangerous or threatening. the fight or flight response; your body is alert, ready for action and is preparing itself to cope with the situation. Once the threatening event has passed over, my body will gradually return to normal. SO, I'm not nervous.
M: ok, if you say soo... *smiles cheekily*
S: not nervous
M: i was agreeing with you.
S: your mind wasn't
M: *laugh*
S: why are laughing? who are you laughing at?!
M: nothing... *trying to stop laughing* it's nothing
S: its never nothing
M: you'll be mad, *finally sober up* but it's so cute that your this worried. It's going to be fine
S: I
S: am in no way
S: "cute"
M: well john thinks you are
S: *speechless, blushing slightly*
S: pardon?
M: you heard me
S: actually, i'm going to pretend I didn't. so i will ask again; Pardon?
M: *rolls eyes* well john must think you're cute, handsome or some form of attractive if he's going on a date with you
S: technically not a date
M: ok...
S: and i am not cute
M: if you say so...
S: im not
M: ok...
S: *grumbles and slumps in his chair blushing*
M: *giggles*
S: *grumbles that he's not cute and hangs up*
Willa: ok totally my fault that there hasn't been an update in months but we've been extremely busy as of late. But we have enlisted the help of our good friend broadway_99 to help us write and we just have to upload the chapters and chappys we have in reserve. So here's a holiday gift for you guys! ❤️

Foxes: Help me!

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