Family Reunion... yay

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S: * On the phone pacing back and forth across the living room of 221b.  As he speaks, he steps on and off the low rise coffee table in front of the couch.  He answers only in short responses* yes-but... no... that's not... all of them?

J: *Walks downstairs from his room and joins Sherlock in 221b.  Watching Sherlock walk back and forth, oblivious to his best friend standing in the middle of the room. John attempts to speak to the detective, and speaks up* ummm... Sherlock? Sherlock...? *he asks with slight concern in his voice as Sherlock hops from his chair, to John's chair, to even stepping on the table near the window* *sheesh, what's he so nervous about?*
S: *still on the phone, taking no notice to John calling his name* It's not that-... Yes, but the probability of this actually happening is very- *a voice from the other side of the phone muffles out incoherent words that only Sherlock can hear* I am not nervous, I'm just concerned that if we do this- which we shouldn't- then they would- which they will- ask a mass amounts of questions for you both. I just don't want to trouble you with- *a louder voice interrupts Sherlock mid-speech. He sighs like a child that's been dragged to the mall for school supplies* ...very well... Yes of course *the voice on the other end talks a bit more in a seemingly excited tone* yes, yes- I get it! *he say impatiently, stopping his pacing when he realized John has been standing there, listening*
J: *watching Sherlock pace until he stops an arm's length away from John. He waits patiently until he has Sherlock's undivided attention, which in itself very rare*
S: the voice can be heard clearly now as they get ready to say goodbye* yes, please- hang up already! Or I'll do it myself! *a loud, loving voice of a women can be heard from the other side of the phone "I LOVE YOU SHERLY DEAR!" It says loudly* Yes well bye! *the voice makes an attempt to talk again but Sherlock hangs up, a tad bit flustered from the ordeal. *he turns to John, awkwardly shrugging and raising his eyebrows* so...
J: *trying his hardest not to laugh, he gives an awkward smile as a form of reply*
S: yup... *he stands, shifting his weight from one leg to the other*
J: so... Ummm... Parents? *he ask glancing a quick look up*
S: yup.
J: ahh... I see. *he says as he turns away to hide from the awkward atmosphere. He gently hits his hands against the sides of his legs, looking about the room*
S: mmhmm... *he replies a bit too late, he sighs loudly in the awkward silence before clearing his throat * yes well, I'm goingg to call Mycroft and inform him about...
J: Mummy and Daddy? *he finishes in a shy and teasing way*
S: yeah, them... *he quickly walks off to the kitchen and dials Mycroft*
MH: *answers phone* yes brother dear? *spins the umbrella*
S: It's them again... *he replies gruffly*
MH: oh god... What is it this time?
S: they want to see us again and a- I quote- a "Holmes family reunion"
MH: *groans* not again... Christmas is enough.
S: ... And they want me to bring my "friends" * he rolls his eyes*
MH: *stops spinning is umbrella in shock* soo... They're making you bring John? *hoping it's true*
S: *he sighs annoyed by his brother* Friends with an 's' Mycroft *he says a bit snappish*
MH: *rolls eyes* well... who's the other unfortunate souls that mother and father are forcing to come?
S: Most likely Grendory, Molly, and John *he says replies, leaning on the counter in the kitchen, tempted to bail on the whole "reunion" thing.
MH: *glup nervously* you mean greg?
S: Same thing *he retorts, aggravated and flustered about the whole situation, not paying any mind to Mycroft's odd behavior*
MH: well, *gains most of his composure* when is this annoying 'family reunion'?
S: In about.. *he checks his watch, teasing his brother by doing so. He secretly enjoyed making his brother wait* less than 24 hours
MH: *raises eyebrows, trying to come up with an excuse* well that's no good I have a meeting with parliament shortly, and then I have to leave the country.
S: Brother... *he says with an edge to his voice* your not getting out of this. Mother asked for you in specific, and you know what that means...
MH: *groan* not that again. *sigh* I'll be there. But you're informing the others. They are your friends after all
S: *sighs* very well, but can you at least get Lestrade? If I screw up his name, I fear he may go on a rampage
MH: I'm sure he's used to it
S: Just get the Inspector brother!
MH: fine! See you later brother *hangs up*
S: *hangs up and puts phone in his pocket, before walking out into the living room where John is now reading a book in his chair. Sherlock only sees the back of his head, but if John saw his face now then he would notice something was wrong. And something was wrong. John had to go to the reunion and he was the one to tell him. How should he even tell him?* John, your going to the family reunion with me! *is that what he's suppose to say- wait!!*
J: *jumps a bit in his seat when he first hears sherlocks voice. A family reunion? Why am I invited to a family reuni- oh shit!*
S: *Standing there frozen in place* I said that out loud didn't I? *he says to no one in particular*
J: Yeah, and you said that too. *he says with a smirk, as he turns to see sherlock from his chair*
S: I said what?
J: that!
S: what's that?
J: what you said before?
*no ?
S: The reunion thing?
J: yes, and after that!
S: the "I said what"?
J: No bef- Never mind! Just, never mind. *he says taking a deep breath and claiming himself.* Let's just get ready ok? *he asks with a genuine smile*
S: *his cheeks tinted red, he speaks quickly* Umm- Yeah, lets do that! Oh, can you ask Molly to get ready as well?
J: *gives a questionable look*
S: *sighs loudly before scratching the back of his head* My parents want to meet my "friends"
J: *is he embarrassed by his parents? Hehe- thats kinda cute. Him all flustered like that.* Ya, sure, I can do that for you mate
MH: *text his brother* we are meeting up at 221b. I can provide the ride over.
S: *mishears John and instead hears: Can I do you mate? His heart nearly stops, and his mind goes blank, his face entirely red. W-what?! Why- Why did he just- when did he just- No...! he thinks to himself letting out a small noise of* ehhh..? *quietly to the room* *he doesn't get a response and notices John calling Molly on his phone. He sighs a bit too loudly. Turning his attention to the tent forming in his pants. Damn you hormones he thinks, as he moves to go and pack, leaving the room before Joh notices*
J: *he calls up Molly from his phone, waiting for her to pick up*
S: *texts Mycroft* take it easy in the cab there brother, don't want to stain...
MH: *text sherlock* oh stop acting like a child
M: *answers phone* yes?
S: *smiles at his phone*
J: Hey, long story short, your going on to a family reunion with me, Lestrade, Mycroft and Sherlock.
M: oookkkk... And how I'm I getting there? It's not like I know where it is...
S: *from behind his hand* you shouldn't scowl brother dearest, you'll get wrinkles
MH: *gives sherlock a look, but nonchalantly rubs out the wrinkles
J: *smiles at Mycroft, trying to reassure him*
M: *giggles at the brothers*
MH: well here's hell
L: It can't be that bad
S: No, Hell is much better... *he states*
J: *rolls eyes at both the brothers*
MH: *laughs* that is true
Wanda: *peeks through the curtains to see both of her children outside with 3 peculiar people standing near them. She opens the front door to the house and practically comes jogging towards them* MY BOYS!!!
S: *facepalm* oh christ
MH: dear lord help me
J: *turns and sees Wanda running towards them, he attempts to hide behind Lestrade*
L: *turns and looks at him* what am I? A shield to you??
W: COME GIVE ME A HUG!! *she says as she already has Mycroft by the waist, hugging him* Oh my dear Mikey!! *she sees Sherlock and makes a beeline for him*
MH: *dust himself off* do not call me mikey.
S: oh no *he says as Wanda grabs hold of him, hugging him. Sherlock is tense through it and doesn't move. *he mouths to John* help me
M: *hip bumps Mycroft* I think it fits you
J: *mouths back to sherlock* no
Wanda: Ah! Is that you Johnny? *She says putting on her glasses. *she grumbles when she puts them on*
S: Wrong ones.
S: *he rolls his eyes*
W: *smiles anyway, walking over and giving John a quick hug* It's good to see you again! How's the Mrs.'s?
J: *John's smile drops from his face* umm. She's... gone
W: Such a shame, I hope she comes home soon then! *she gives a reassuring pat on the back*
J: No- i mean... *sighs* she's gone. *he repeats putting more emphasis on the gone*
W: *worried look on her face* I'm so sorry John.
L: *thinking: akward....*
S: *changing the awkward subject* mother, here are my... "friends" *using air quotations around friends*
J: *silently thanks Sherlock for changing the subject*
M: *holds out her hand with a big smile* nice to finally meet you mrs. Holmes! It's a pleasure!
W: *she smiles again, peering over her glasses at Molly* Ah, it's so good to finally meet you, Molly is it? You have the hands of a morgue worker or a surgeon, such tiny hands *she teases, smiling at the young woman before her*
M: *smiles back* well I do work in a morgue, that's how I meet sherlock
W: *she stops smiling for a second before leaning in* Sorry about him *she giggles after, her smile returning*
M: *giggles with her*
S: Again, I'm right here
W: *pays no mind to him*
M: *shrugs* opps? Again? *goes back to giggling with W*
W: And who is this young man? *she says turning to Lestrade*
L: *offers hand* I'm greg, friend of both of these two *gestures to MH and S*
W: Once again, I'm so sorry *she says with a smile as she shakes Lestrade's hand*
L: *laughs* yea they sure can be a handful
W: *laughs* well, lets stop dwindling out here and go inside *she says leading the way*
S: *looks about the yard* Is father inside?
W: ah, no he's off at the store picking up a little surprise for you all *she smiles impishly*
MH: oh god.
J: I'm worried
S: Please no
W: *opens the front do and holds it open for everyone* Here we are! The house my babies grew up in!
S: kill me *he silently screams*
M: *giggles*
J: *chcukles*
L: *chuckles*
W: *she points to a staircase on the left* take those stairs up, there are 3 bedrooms up there, feel free to make yourselves at home. oh, and by the way, *she glares at the men* Molly sleeps in a bedroom... By her self. Do I make myself clear?
S and J: *both nod frantically*
MH: *blushes and nods*
L: *slight sigh and nods*
M: *blushes*
W: *back to smiling again*very good, lunch will be ready soon, feel free to look about the house and settle in
S: *grumbles about being here longer than 2 hours*
L: *slaps MH on the back* well those two lovebirds would probably share a room, so I guess we're bunking together?
J: Not gay! *he says*
MH: *coughs and a deep blush shows on his face*
L: *smirks at john* so you guys just share a bed for fun?
J: We never shared a bed! *he retorts in denial*
S: *groans and just walks back upstairs to his old room*
L: mmhm... Then what about this picture I took? *pulls out phone to show the pic from the hospital* oh, by the way the internet truly thanks my contribution
J: *snatches the phone from L's hand* When did this happen?!?!
L: oh I came to check on you guys when sherlock was in the hospital and I walked into this sight. *takes phone back* the moment was too perfect
J: *yells from downstairs to sherlock* Why didn't you stop him?!?!
S: I was drugged *he responds*
L: *laughs* oh no. He said nothing till after I took the picture. And even then he never told me to erase it.
J: what the hell Sherlock?!?!
L: well weren't you the one who got into bed with him?
S: *takes a moment to respond* I was tired
J: Thats not an excuse Sherlock! *turns to Greg and pauses* Huh?
L: *shrugs* well he was hooked up to a load of machinery, how in the world would he make you lay in bed with him? And his reaction when I was talking to him told me everything. *smiles* you don't have to be a Holmes to figure it out
J: I was tired ok?!
S: Not an excuse
L: oh so now thats a proper excuse!
J: *facepalm*
J: In the right context, yes it is!
S: Still not an excuse
J: *fuming with anger he tromps upstairs*
MH: *finally gained his composure again.  Dear lord this is going to be a long trip* well that was interesting. Molly why don't you go to a room and me and Greg get the bags
M: ok! *goes upstairs to freshen up*
S: *looking around his old room, he notices his bed has been replaced with a queen mattress, and a night table on either side. He looks at the bare, walls* same as they've always been *he smiles to himself, his thoughts interrupted by John walking into the room*
J: *looks around the room, seeing old toys put into plastic crates and boardgames stacked up in another corner, the walls bare* A bit depressing in here huh? *he gives a small smile* But I like it! *his smile growing, going to sit on one side of the bed, before relaxing as he lays down* wake me up when the food is ready *he said as he yawned*
S: yeah, sure *he says quietly so as not to disturb him*
S: *goes to sit on the other side of the bed, tempted to turn around and look at John.* maybe I should go talk to.....
J: *in a groggy voice, half asleep, eyes closed* greg
S: him *he nods and gets up, leaving his bedroom and walking down the hall to where greg is*
S: *he knocks on the door frame*
L: *open door* yo?
S: hey... *he waves awkwardly*
L: what's up?
S: *he sighs, glad he got out of the room with John. The temptation was just too high.*
S: I needed to get out of there... *he says, eyes looking to the ground*
L: well, want explain why? *goes to sit on the bed*
S: *walks into the room and closes the door* he fell asleep on the bed. it was awkward. i panicked. i left.
L: *chuckles* well that's the best way to deal with it.
S: *gives him a look of what was I supposed to do?*
L: *sighs* do you like him?
S: * looks back down at the floor, a slight pink on his cheekbones*
L: *looks at sherlock, watching his expression change* well, you don't have to say it to me. Just ask him to dinner or if he wants to go to the theater, some shit like that.
S: I-i don't know... *he says hesitantly* I hate not knowing *he mumbles*
L: well you're not going to find out by doing nothing! Just invite him to show him around the area, set up a picnic, I don't know. All I know is he'll enjoy it, because you thought of it.  And you'll enjoy it because you can spend time with him.
S: *millions of questions arise in his head and it takes all he has not to ask them all at once. Instead he nods and turns to leave*
L: *watch his friend leave. Thinking: Hopefully he'll grow some balls*
S: *walks over to Molly's room and Knocks on the door*
M: *open door* oh, what's up?
S: can we talk..? *he says quietly, barely over a whisper*
M: sure! *almost runs over to the bed and and plops down, and pats the bed next to her*
*pats the spot next to her
S: *shuffles in cautiously and takes the spot next to her* Graham wasn't any help... *he grumbled*
M: *giggles* well if it has to do with feelings men aren't much help with that
S: *gives a worried look to her as if to say r-really? Is that how John thinks too?*
M: *giggles* It's a joke Sherlock. An inside joke for women
S: oh..
M: *full out laugh at Sherlock's ignorance* so... *catching her breath* what's the feeling problem you're dealing with?
S: he fell asleep on the bed. it was awkward. i panicked. i left.
*he repeated*
M: why was it awkward?
S: *he looks at the wall, head down in shame* he was so tempting... *he says almost to himself*
M: *looks confused* tempting?
S: *his face reddens and he nods*
M: okk... What kind of tempting cause right now you're going to do... *she makes a hand gesture, her face redding a little*
S: N-No! No- *he shakes his head* I want to.. To hold him...? is that it..? I don't know! *he exclaims slightly frustrated, holding the sides of his head resting his elbows on his knees*
M: *deep sigh* oh, ok. Sorry, my mind is still on the internet.
S: I-it's ok.. *he looks up and he gives a faint smile*
M: *smiles* but I get what you mean. I get the same feeling with greg. Even before we started dating. I just want to hug him, to cuddle him and I didn't get why. *quieter* and for some reason I get that feeling around Mycroft too...
M:  I just just have the need to hug him. To hold him like a security blanket, to assure myself he's there and real. *turns to stare at Sherlock* you know?
S: *nods, not questioning the Mycroft bit for now * yeah... Precisely
M: *the smile grew on her face* well that's normal. it shows you care for him and want to protect him in your arms
S: *normal? Me?* *he gives another small smile*
M: *laughs*
M: sorry, it's hard to think that you could be normal *a large smile on her face to show she's kidding
S: I don't see it either, to be truthful
M: *laughs*
S: *chuckles slightly, enjoying having the ability to let someone see him. If only a little.*
M: just wondering, what was greg's horrible advice that caused you to come to me?
S: he told me to basically just ask him... *he says almost shyly* but I can't do that.
M: terrified by the thought?
S: *nods* how would I even say it? Do I just blurt it out like some other another idiotic human?! Or do I write a-a note?- or- what? *he exhales in exasperation resting his head in his hands* no offense...
M: none taken *grabs Sherlock's shoulder and gives it a slight squeeze* if you want to ask him just ask casually like you're asking him what's for dinner. If you stumble oh well. *gives a small laugh* you should have seen Greg try to ask me out. Trying to act all cool but when it can to it he was stuttering like crazy. It's cute, shows how much they truly worry about your answer.
S: *opens his mouth to say something, but closes it, deciding it was best not to ask. He looks at Molly and gives her a small smile. The closest thing he can say thank you.*
J: *knocks on the door frame to Lestrade and Mycroft's room before shuffling over to Molly's room. He knocks on the doorframe, rubbing the sleep from his eyes using the back of his sleeve* Oi, *he yawns* Wanda came and woke me... She says lunch is ready and she wants everyone downstairs *once his eyes adjust he notice Molly and Sherlock both sitting on the edge of the bed. He smiles at the before turning to leave*
S: *sits soundlessly*
M: Well! *jumps up* Lets go! *starts leaving*
S: *following Molly downstairs contemplating when the right time to ask John*
W: oh hello! *she cooed happily, going over to Molly and escorts her to her seat* Please make yourself comfortable my dear *she smiles, showing Molly to a warm red-coloured sofa*
S: *rolls his eyes at his mother and takes a seat in a big leather loveseat. Reclining into the comfy furniture*
M: *walking downstairs to join the others and takes a seat at the small round mahogany table. Hr clears his throat at the way his brother is seating* must you sit like that Sherlock?*
S: *barely raises an eyebrow at his brother's statement, choosing to ignore him*
W: I miss you two and your banters *she says sarcastically, leaving to retrieve the lunch she made*
J: *coming downstairs he says groggily* 'Ello? Sorry I was taking a nap. *he takes a seat to the left of Molly and to his right is Sherlock in the love seat*
MH: It's about time *he mutters*
S&W: Mycroft!
W: that is no way to speak to a guest!
S: and I thought I was rude...
MH: *he flinches at his name and grumbles a sorry at John*
J: no problem *he brushes off*
L: *comes downstairs and sees everyone* Mycroft you being rude again? *he smiles to show he's joking. He sits at the other side of Molly and wraps an arm around her*
MH: *he shuts up and sits down quickly when Gregory reprimands him*
W: *raises an eyebrow at Mycroft's behavior and begins to let everyone take a sandwich from the platter.  When everyone has one, she sits in an old creaking rocking chair with several cushions on it. Another, empty rocking chair is next to her. She smiles as she ask the innocent question* so boys, have you found anyone you fancy?
S: inhales his mouthful of sandwich and begins choking. He starts banging his fist on his chest*
J: hurriedly gets up to help Sherlock cough up his sandwich*
MH: *just sits in place, a blank stare directed towards his mother when an innocent smile creeps onto his face, the corners of his eyes crinkling* I beg your pardon?
M&L: *laughing*
MH: *gives them a look but a light blush creeps on is cheeks*
J: *patting Sherlock's back* Oi!
S: *finally clears his throat and chokes as his speaks* huh...?
W: *joins in Molly and Lestrade's laughter* so tell me, *she says trying to catch her breath* who's the unlucky lady? *she muses*
J: *chuckles at the brothers and sits back down*
S: *says nothing*
L: *thinks of Johnlock and chuckles under his breath*
M: *gives sherlock a knowing look*
S: *notices Molly's look and shakes his head*
W: *looks at how silent Mycroft is being* Mycroft, why don't you tell us who you fancy?
MH: W-why should I?
W: because I'm your mother, that's why. *she retorts*
MH: *looks between his mother, Lestrade and Molly* not now...
W: why ever not?
MH: just not right now... *gives a look at Johnlock* I don't trust those two
J: *smiles and goes to open his mouth*
MH: *points the umbrella at him* don't
J: *closes his mouth*
W: *giggles* You and that umbrella. I swear... Hey, did you know when Mycroft was little, he tried to marry his umbrella. *laughs* he cried for hours on end when he fould out he couldn't! *laughs even harder*
MH: *his brain falters a bit and his cheeks go red*
S: *smirking at his brothers discomfort*
J: Really? *turns to look at Mycroft* you really wanted to marry your umbrella?
L: *burst out laughing* that's gold!
M: that's so cute!
MH: *makes an attempt to brush it off but his red face betrays him* no its not *he says in a serious tone
L: It's freaking priceless!
MH: *glares a lestrade*
W: oh stop now Mycroft. be nice
S: yes brother, be nice
M: *gives lestrade a small slap on the leg, but still smiling* oh be nice
M: *smiles at Mycroft* I think it's adorable you thought that way when you were a kid
MH: thank you, Molly *smiles at her, actually being nice*
W: hmmmm... oh that reminds me, did you ever find your little train
MH: Train?
MH: I never had a train. *remembers* it was sherlock
S: Don't involve me in your affairs any more than you already have Mycroft
W: Ah yes, it was Sherlock's! *she said joyously* Now tell me, did you ever find it? was it red? I don't recall..
S: *grumbles out* it was black actually.. *crossing his arms and sinking into the chair, cheeks pink*
S: and yes. I have... And no thanks to my dear brother did I get it back any time sooner.
MH: Don't Sherlock.
J: Don't what?
J: *John looks between the two brothers, which neither of them speak. he gives a confused look to Greg and Molly*
M & L: *shrugs*
W: *sighs* when these two were younger, a couple of brutes came along and best my Sherlock up, they stole his shoes, and his toy train.*
S: all the while, Mycroft just stayed up in the tree like a coward, you forgot that part mother! *he adds*
MH: That was your fight, not mine
S: *grits his teeth* I was 5 Mycroft. 5!
MH: still none the less.
S: you always were a coward, hiding when danger even glanced in your general direction. *he said, disgusted by his brother*
W: boys.. *she warns*
MH: You were the one who insisted he wanted to play under the trees. *he snapped back*
S: It had the perfect sun to shade ratio.
M: guys stop it. We are not here to hear you argue over things that happen what, 30 years ago?
MH: *disregards Molly and continues his banter with Sherlock now getting up out of his seat* And besides Sherlock, it was only a train... just like your scarf is only a scarf.
S: *his face goes blank,and he gets up out of his seat, quickly removes it and tosses it at Mycroft.* then you can have it back, dear brother. *he said seething silently, leaving the room and going upstairs*
W: oh dear...
MH: *lets the scarf fall to the floor* he is such a child sometimes *he says leaving quietly* please excuse me *he walks out the front door and into the garden*
M: *gets up and runs to Mycroft* what the heck was that?
MH: *keeps walking and doesn't respond*
M: *runs in front of him and stands there* no sir you are not avoiding me
J: *goes after Sherlock* Sherlock, where are you? *he says finding sherlock's bedroom door closed* Sherlock...? *he says quietly, he opens his mouth to speak but is cut off*
S: not now John..
MH: *halts his walking and looks down at the small woman in front of him* Yes? *he says as politely as he could*
W: have I done something wrong? *she looks at Greg with innocent eyes*
L: I... I don't know. *sigh* I just don't understand them sometimes.
M: *her voice softens* what was that about?
MH: family matters, but it doesn't concern you dear *he says putting a hand on her shoulder, and giving a light squeeze*
M: well if it's bothering you it's my concern! It's just, you and sherlock keep everything just bottled up and it's not good. If you do that then things tend to blow up, like just now.
MH: I appreciate the concern Molly, but...
M: *raises eyebrows* but?
MH: *he gives a small smile* but its nothing. All of this will blow over *he says going around Molly and begins to walk down the street, heading into town*
M: *walking along with him* well if it's nothing you can tell me
MH: *he gives her a sideways glance, raising an eyebrow*
M: what? *smiles* come on, tell me!
MH: its just a silly quarrel that my brother holds against me, nothing more
M: weeellll, what happened?
MH: just as you had heard it. Sherlock wanted to go outside and thus he made that major flaw. Got himself mugged and such. Why do you think he has trouble trusting people? *he stays silent, walking into town he is greeted by storekeepers and other townsfolk, he simply nods in there direction*
M: ... *decides it's best to change the topic* hey you grew up around here right?
MH: yes, why? *he asks curiously*
M: show me around! Like where you hanged out as a kid, nice shops ect.
MH: *a small smile forms on his features, if only for a moment.* alright, *he uses his umbrella to point at a small library on the corner* that was where I learned latin, russian, spanish, and turkish *he points across the street to a small shoe store* and that, used to be a sweet shop called Bart's
M: *looks at the things he was pointing at in awe*
MH: *he sneaks a glance at Molly's smiling face before turning down an alley.* come on, I want to see if it's still there *he says with a bit too much enthusiasm in his voice for the british government*
M: *skips along side him*
MH: *he stops when he comes across a small bakery at the end of the alley, its pink paint chipping off slowly and its letter lights flickering and buzzing.* hmm, looks a bit different then I recall..
M: hm, *that doesn't look creepy at all...*
MH: *goes to the front door and enters. A jingle of a bell is heard and the bakery takes the form of an old ice cream parlor from the 19h century. An old man is sitting behind the counter, when he looks up and takes note of the people. He greets them with a smile and awaits there order* *Mycroft turns to Molly* Would you like anything? *the shelves are decorated with different types of cakes and ice creams all incased in glass.*
M: *stare at the shelfs, eyes wide like a kid in a candy store. She realized how childish she was acting and toned it down* well, what do you recommend?
MH: *smiles genuinely* i recommend anything, but I'm going to guess.... strawberry shortcake for you. You seem to be a person who would like that.
M: *smiles widely* I go with that then!
MH: *he orders a strawberry shortcake with vanilla ice cream on the side and orders chocolate moose cake for himself*
MH: *escorts Molly to a booth in the front and sits down across from her. The elderly man brings the ice cream and a side of sprinkles. the ice cream is a small but the portion is more like a medium. The elderly man says the extra is free of charge considering the lovebirds. Mycroft's face reddens.* were not-
M: thank you sir, that's very kind! *smiles at the man and then looks at Mycroft, and her smile widens*
MH: *swallows and choices to look down a the cake.* this was where I first found my love for cake. *he begins to eat the cake, taking small bites to savor it* not a bakery in london can compare..
M: *takes a bite and suppress a moan in the shear deliciousness of the cake*
MH: *he enjoys the silence between the two and waits patiently for Molly to finish*
M: this is the best cake I've ever tasted
MH: *nods in agreement, letting a smile grace his face*
W: there! Sorry for the wait, but hey we gave you a chapter worth 3 essays and some lose paragraphs! (*grumble about the amount of work*) the chapters are gonna be slow but now I got this monstrosity out of the way, chapters should be a little quicker *crosses fingers* so keep your hopes high and pray for our mental sanity.

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