Cats and Drugs Don't Mix

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John: Hi Molly! Sherlock Has Lestrade's cat again...

Molly: Shoot! No! Does he have a dead body?

J: No, just the cat... and some steroids?

M: ... I hope he's not doing anything illegal to the cat. *sigh*

J: Should we call the yard, or animal control... for Sherlock I mean. The cat is the least problematic of the 2.

M: Yea... I'm gonna look around the morgue for...

*Screaming and hissing in the distance*

M: What the???

J: What's going on down there?

M: I'm not sure... but, I think I've found them...

Sherlock: God damn! Why won't you just cooperate!

M: Should I run or confront? Cause I'm leaning to the first option...

J: Meet me by the café on the second floor and we'll decide from there. Run.

M: Ok then... *runs* Ok what do we do now??

J: *noms on a bagel* oh, you made it- I mean, I've got something that Sherlock cannot live without... cigarettes

M: Oh perfect! But... should we tell Greg?

Lestrade: Tell me what? *doughnut stuffed in mouth*

J: Um...-Molly

M: Ughh... We umm... loveandvalueyourwork?? *Blushes heavily*

L: *Turns read in the face before getting angry* P-piss off! *grumbles loudly* but thanks *noms the rest of his doughnut*

J: *Leans over and whispers to Molly* Really? Out of all the things that came to your hear you choose that?

M: Ughhhhh... *struggles for words* Well ummm... *Blushes harder*

S: *Burst into room shirt and bottom of pants torn to shreds and is cut in multiple places* Oh hi. Does anyone know how to tame a cat?

*Everyone stares at each other*

*Cat runs into the room*

L: BABY! *scoops up cat and cuddles it* *cooes at the cat in overly lovable fashion* What did that mean psychopath do to you? My poor little kitty.

J: *stares wide-eyed at Lestrade*

S: Highly functioning sociopath...

M: *stares at the two* *walks up and starts petting the kitty* Awww... you're a sweet little girl!

Anderson: *Walks in* What the hell is going on here!

All: Get the fuck out Anderson nobody asked for your IQ lowering opinion!!
A: Well Fuck you too then! I was just trying to see what was the fucking disturbance was and of couse it's you guys. No surprise there.

S: Shut up, just shut-up, don't move, don't even blink! Anderson! Go in the corner!

A: *Walks up to Sherlock to look at him eye-to-eye* *realize mistake too late* You know Sherlock? No. I'm not going to listen to you anymore.

J: Damn...

S: *Holds a stern face before letting a smirk rise* alright... shortly.

A: *Face goes red with anger* *smacks his own chest* You wanna fight bro? Wanna fight? Wanna fight bro-

S: *Punches him straight in the face*

J: Finally! I thought I'd have to do it myself.

A: WTF?! Why did you punch me?

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