Concern for the Madman

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This adventure begins at the gym with John on the treadmill

J: *running on a treadmill at a gym, sweat on his brow and a pair of headphones in his ears. He is listening to a prerecorded violin concert that he secretly recorded when Sherlock was playing*

L: *texting john* so how's everything going?

J: *doesn't hear his phone go off and he continues jogging*

L: hello?

L: *waits five minutes* this is weird normally you answer text in like 10 seconds.

J: *he puts the speed up, feeling the blood pumping through his veins, and the layer of sweat surrounding him*

L: well, text me when you can then.

MH: *walks into the gym with a scowl on his face, mumbling about how his treadmill broke*

J: *runs, his tank top and workout shorts damp from his sweat*

MH: *jumps on a random treadmill, that was the one right next to john, but so focused on his frustration that he didn't notice the short doctor*

J: *turns his head to see Mycroft next to him. He did a double take and jumped off the machine and stopping the music* oi, mate? How does the British government manage to get to running on a treadmill in a gym?

MH: *jumps at the voice, turns and looks at john* ugh, my treadmill broke at home, so I was forced to come to this place for my workout.

J: *slight chuckle* I see.. Trying to impress someone?

MH: what?

J: *smirks* you know who I'm talking about. A certain detective inspector, and his girlfriend?

MH: *eyeroll* How did you even work with my brother when your deductions are that horrible.

J: ha, you don't have to be a genius to notice. Don't play innocent. Besides, I don't see anything wrong with it.

J: nothing to be ashamed of

MH: *says it slowly like explaining it to a child* can it be possible that I want to better my health? My mind is already in peak condition, why not my body?

J: *tries not to laugh* yes, we'll ever consider that it's more of a two birds one stone kinda idea?

MH: *scowls and pick up the pace on the treadmill*

J: you can't jog away from your troubles forever.. *he smiles as he gets ready to leave, skipping the shower because public showers are just creepy*

MH: oh and you're not? *a smirk took over his face remembering the pictures he found on tumblr* You and Sherlock were getting really cosy in the rain the other night right?

J: *nearly trips before smirking* and what are you doing on THAT fan site? Hmmm?

MH: *shrugs* I have to keep an eye on my dear brother

J: and you do it by using fan sites? unreliable, photo altering fan sites? No you were doing something else, but for the sake of your pride I'll be nice and leave it at that. *chuckles walking away*

MH: *chuckles at John's ignorance, not letting him have the last word on the matter* oh, don't worry. I got the original pictures before they were altered. And they are... *thinks for a sec before saying the word, drawling it out, toying with john* and I quote, "adorable", in the word of the photographer.

MH: and I don't personally look on those sites. Just these pictures caught my attention. *pulls out his phone at looks at them*

J: *growling turning on his heel and peering over mycrofts shoulder* *he growls before stopping out if the gym* *grumbling about how he hates people and he can understand why Sherlock hates them* *he decides to walk back to 221*

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