Chapter 12

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??? Pov;

I walked into the smoothie shop and walked up to counter. I was then approached by a girl who looked like the photo. What was her name? Trina? Trinidad? Tr....ini! Trini! Yeah that was her name.

Trini;" hello welcome to smooth-tastic
What can i get you?"

Me;" um actually I came to talk to someone named Trini Moenet?"

Trini;" that's me? Why do you need to talk to me?" She said sounding unsure of herself.

Me;" listen my name is Keisha. I believe you sent me some songs and I came to talk to you about them and your future."

Trini;" yea we can sit over there, Janet take over my section for a sec" we began walking to the private section of the shop and sat down.

Me;" so I came here regarding your music."


Me;" I really like your songs I can feel your emotions through them. And I want to make you big. Like famous big! But you know some people lie about their voices so....just come here (writes down address) at 8 so we can make sure that those voices are real and we can make those songs of yours into an album. Sound good?" She nodded her head in Excitement she hugged me and thank me. I was about to leave but j had one more question.

Me; " wait can you dance?"

Trini;" you tell me." She threw me a CD and told me to watch it. I nodded and Decided to would watch it when i get to the studio.

5 minutes later

I reached the studio and went to the chill room and put the CD in and the video started. Man she was good better than the dancers for mb. She's gonna be a star for sure. I dialed walts number and told him everything. He sounded happy as well.

Trini pov;
I was so happy. Right now I was on my way to the place Keisha wrote Down. When I got there it was high house. I knocked on the door and she answered.

Keisha;" well right on time I like that. Come in come in."

I walked in and she closed the door and motioned me to follow her. She lead me all the way to the booth she played one of my songs (save me by nicki Minaj again pretend that this is her song) (most of the songs will come from nicki,Rihanna maybe Beyoncé so just pretend with me) I started singing:

I drove some miles just to find you and my-y-self.

All these screams and these voices in my head.

You gave me strength gave me hope for a lifetime.

I never was satisfied.

This time won't you save me...

I sang into the mic. My mind ran wild but I didn't let that stop me from singing. I continued with the song and when It had ended it she looked happy I flashed a beautiful smile at her and she clapped her hands and motioned me to go over to her. I did as told.

Keisha;" that was amazing! An amazing voice to match amazing dance moves, if you sign this then we would now have a deal and your first show will be in about 2 days you can be the opening act sound good?" I nodded my head and signed. This is the best moment of my life. I stayed there for a while and she made some calls.

Keisha;" stage name?" She asked while putting the person on the other end of the phone on hold. I thought for a moment then confidently answered.

Me;" call me princess" I smiled beside that's what prince used to call me but then my smile went down a little bit I remembered what had happened. Damn! I gave Keisha my number and she told me I had dance rehearsal tomorrow. I nodded and headed out. I began walking home with a smile plastered across my face.


prince pov;
So we couldn't find anyone to do this job for us cause well anyone we called it asked would want something in return or they were super fans so we just decided that we would just give her mater how long it may take. Anyway it was time for dance practice with the boys so we left the girls at home and drove to dance class. We see keisha and she waves and so do we then we began to practice.

An hour later

We all fall on the floor and just lay there. Keisha comes over to us And sits in a chair that's in front of us. We all sit up and give her our attention.

Keish;" so I signed someone today her stage name is princess she'll be touring with you guys and she'll be at the preference" we all nodded and headed out the door and went home. I was dead tired. I just wanted to sleep. so I plopped on the couch along with Ray roc and prod and we all drifted off to sleep.

Decided that I'd skip. So chapter 13 would be the day of the show!
Okay? Vote comment. Stay tuned next chapter coming soon. Peace✌🏾️


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